As I graduate out of high school, I want to radically change my hair color from the black it's always been to a radical color.
In 2007(?), I got my first "li zhi tang" which in China is like a Japanese permanent hair straightening process. (I'm sure some of you guys here will know?)
In 2009(?), I got it done again for my new haircut (new growth)
In 2011 (about 6 months ago), I relaxed my hair once more. It was mostly new growth, but whatever was relaxed twice has probably already been cut off now through my bi-monthly trims.
I've only gone to salons for my relaxing/trims and cut my bangs myself.
I am Han Chinese, and I have extremely dark black hair.
I cannot remember my hair's texture before my relaxing, but now, it is fine to medium-fine.
My top layers feel extremely healthy.
The tips are sometimes split, and if I feel hair from the back of my neck, it is healthy but slightly "scraggly".
My hair is layered; the longest reaches my breasts.
I shampoo and condition about once every three days. (that's literally all I do. No serum/leaveins/etc)
I blow dry my roots and let the rest air-dry.
I have never bleached/dyed before.
I do not use a straightener/curler.
Since my current hair is still relaxed, and my stylist friend told me that it's very very very important that any stylist that works with me knows about my relaxing history, how will this affect my bleaching now? I've read through some of the FAQs and it sounds successive bleach baths would be optimal to keep from further damaging my hair. (I would really like to avoid the straw-overbleached texture, since I like running my fingers through my hair...)
I wish to bleach it to a point so that I can semi-dye it like this:
Another pic:
And when that washes out, I'll go for another color like green or blue.
My questions:
1. Is it dangerous to bleach with my hair in it's relaxened condition?
2. If it is safe, then how should I do it?
---- Bleach and deep conditioning every other week? (Probably 2 bleaches)
---- Bleach bath every other week until I reach optimal lightness?
---- Should I go to a salon, or can I do this at home?
3. How much will each cost?
4. How much will it cost to maintain? I want to grow out my natural hair afterward, but would also like to avoid that "awkward" phase.
4. Has any got any (coherent) testimonials with pictures that they wont' mind sharing?
Thanks for your time!
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i no nothing about relaxing hair, but i kow mindi has and im *pretty* sure she's bleached after relaxing.
personally i would bleach bath once a week, with conditoning inbetween, until you reach a gigngerish colour, then you can add the pink.
As regards costs, that is dpendant on what bleach you use/dye/ how much you use. but for long hair like yours i would suggest atleast 4tubs of directions, which would be about £16 not inc p&p
its pretty cheap to maintain. put left over dye into you conditioner for weekly top ups, as regards the 'akward' phase, you can just go from pink to different colours, or fade and dye to your natural colour.
One of my friends get something similar i think and she said the hairdresser told er not to bleach 2 weeks before or 2-4 weeks after , so i think you'd be okay to bleach but i would ask the person that did yours as the chemicals may be different.
Thanks for the responses!
its pretty cheap to maintain. put left over dye into you conditioner for weekly top ups
So I could just keep a bottle of dye'd conditioner and use that after I wash, and it'll keep my color fresher?
not to bleach 2 weeks before or 2-4 weeks after
Duly noted. This sounds reasonable. I guess I should be safe for bleaching.
And I'm probably going to get bleach baths. (Since I just read about them here on this forum, I didn't know something like this existed before...) Do salons do this? or is it more of a home-specialty kind of thing? If so, how much should I expect to pay and how many sessions will I have to go through?
(I'm pretty sure I'll dye at home, but Bleaching at home just sounds frightening, since I know other Asians that have KILLED their hair through self-bleaching)