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Mohawk Tutorial.

New Member Guest

I have short, fairly thick and healthy hair. Take note that this may not work for all hair types.
I would suggest researching your hair sprays if you're going to seriously consider going for the hawk. The hairspray DOES matter.

Before doing this, if you'd just like to test this out, and not go anywhere like it, I'd suggest skipping the hairspray. To get the back combing out, ALWAYS brush/comb from the tips, gradually moving towards the roots as you go. Be especially careful with a comb. Brushing the backcombed area out, beginning from anywhere but the tips, could result in a massive, very stubborn knot in your hair.

I would ALSO suggest that you deep condition your hair beforehand, and get your hair really nice and smooth. It might not help the out come at all, but it will sure as hell make your hair hate you less.

First step. Section off the hair that you would like to mohawk. I part mine into three sections, but this depends on how thick your hair is, and how much of it you have. Using hair pins/clips may be more convenient for you, but hair bobbles is all that I had access to.

Take out the backmost section of hair. The reason we start at the back, is because if you start at the front, then you're not going to be able to see what you're doing afterwards, which could potentially effect the result.

Back comb this section. Don't force the hair down towards the roots. Just lightly fluff the comb against the usual way you would comb your hair. If you're still unsure, watch a few youtube tutorials on back combing your hair. It should look something like this. It will be a bit floppy at the ends, but stands very easily on its own. It shouldn't feel too stiff.

Pin this section back. Repeat for the rest of your sections, pinning them all down to keep them out of the way.

Then, release the sections, back comb them together a little, to 'bond' them together, and prevent a patchy mohawk. It should look a little like this. Once again, a little floppy, able to stand, and not too stiff. If there are any bits falling down, and you just can't seem to get them to stay, don't worry about those. You can fix them later.

Gently part little bits of the hair so far, and spray hairspray onto your roots in different area's in short bursts. This will help the whole thing stand longer.
Once having done that, spray the length of the CENTRE of the mohawk. Try to avoid getting hairspray on the outside.
Once you've sprayed the inside, push the entire thing into the general style you would like with your hands. I like mine to come down in front of my face, but you can have it straight up, leaning down into your bangs,  off to one side... Be creative! Please. Just don't comb it. If you have loops on the outside, just carefully tug them out, and straighten them with your fingers.

You'll have a few bits still falling off, maybe. That's fine. Leave them alone. πŸ˜›

Then, you spray the outside of the mohawk, once again gently styling with your hands. Your palms are your best friends. Pay a little more attention to those flyaway bits of hair, but try not to make the overall hairspray job patchy. Don't coat the hair so that it's dripping wet, either. This will weigh the hair down before it dries, and most likely give it a droopy look.

Your finished product?
It should look a bit like this.

And yes, I can see through that. xD! - It is possible to make the part infront of my face thinner, however. I just decided not to hairspray that part, because I didn't like the plastic-y feel poking my nose.

Let me know if it was helpful to you! πŸ™‚

I can do other picture tutorials, within reason, because I'm not willing to make a drastic change to my hair for the sake of a tutorial. I'm working on being able to create video tutorials.

Posted : July 4, 2011 2:16 am
Noble Member ADMIN

This is great and very helpful - thanks πŸ˜€
And I absolutely love your hair colour!

Posted : July 4, 2011 6:58 pm
New Member Guest

Buaha. Thanks. It was 2Am, I couldn't sleep, and had mastered my own method of styling my hair exactly how I want. Decided I'd put it to use.

Me too. It's unfortunate that a ton of people are trying to copy my hair now, but on the plus side, they've all failed so far. xD
And my roots are coming through already. It's good, because I'm growing out my hair, but it also sucks because that means having to redo the dye eventually.

Posted : July 4, 2011 7:03 pm
New Member Guest

Nice do! Looks good on you too.

Posted : July 5, 2011 10:01 am
New Member Guest

Buaha. Thanks. I used to try making a mohawk when I was about 13, but since I was so new to styling in general, I just thought an hour's worth of hairspraying would work.
Thank god I've figured out my own little way of making my hair behave.

Posted : July 6, 2011 9:58 pm
New Member Guest

That's awesome. If you are looking for a great hairspray for mohawks, I totally suggest GTB freezing hairspray. It's a bit pricey, but if you are going to keep your fan up for several days and not wash it, it's definitely worth it. It stays in place all day, even when it's a super windy day. I love the product. It even kept my fan up when it got to be about a foot tall.

Posted : August 16, 2011 8:30 pm
New Member Guest

Woah! Mohawk of magnitude!

Posted : August 17, 2011 11:14 am
New Member Guest


Posted : August 18, 2011 10:03 am
New Member Guest

That hawk is ace. I visit Camden Market every year, and I always see a guy with a mohawk like that. He changes the colour of it each year. πŸ™‚ I like to keep track of what colours he's been.
Pink, green, orange, blue and rainbow so far.

Posted : August 21, 2011 11:04 am
New Member Guest

That's awesome. I could post a tutorial to do a mohawk this way if anyone was interested. ^_^

Posted : August 24, 2011 2:53 am
Noble Member ADMIN

That's awesome. I could post a tutorial to do a mohawk this way if anyone was interested. ^_^

Wonderful mohawk - and yes feel free to do a tutorial on this πŸ™‚

Posted : August 24, 2011 6:10 am
New Member Guest

Hell yeah. A tutorial to do that kind would be ace. I know a ton of people who want mohawks like that, but fail absolutely terribly. πŸ™
So if you did a tutorial, I can just direct them to that! πŸ™‚

Posted : August 24, 2011 4:06 pm