Saw this video:
Lets see if this sexy piece of headwear can make my hair bootiful.
*Crosses fingers for you*
I have naturally curly hair so I've never tried anything like this when I had long hair. I was always going for the opposite. 😛
Also, cool posters!
Wow, can't believe the way she just tucks in a load of hair at the end... That'll just create a kinky mess. Which you can see in the last photo. I hope you didn't do that! Otherwise, it looks lovely 😀
did it work? 🙂
I kinda ended up with p**n star hair! it was curly, yes, but MASSIVE! Really big curls haha. its now in a top knot cos I felt indecent. Maybe I'll try a thinner headband or pulling it tighter next time =]
When my curls come out too bouncy and big, I literally tug on them and smooth my fingers through them a lot until they start to straighten a bit.
If you use a thinner band, you might get a massive 80s frizz perm hair!
I used to go to school with loads of girls with this hair
I'm just kidding, you'd probably get something more like this
But with the amount of hair you have (assuming you still have the extensions in) it's always going to be on the huge massive side!
I just found this photo too.
This was from the curlers that I used to use in 88-90. I can tell you, my hair looked NOTHING like that after using them lol
HAHA I love all those pics! Yeah i do still have the extensions in So I know they're gonna be big. but the actual curl was massive, like I'd used a 8inch barrel curler! I tried those bendy foam roller things once, actually had an afro. Never again.
lol yeah, that's what I get with a lot of curlers, the curlformers come out too tight at first and I have to pull and yank at my hair too relax it. The bendy ones I had with that photo on, they ended up as wire in the end as the foam squished and the curls were nuts, total afro... but I kinda liked it at the time. I'd still have to relax it though.
Anyway, I guess maybe this form of curling is always going to give more relaxed curls? I bet it looked a lot less porny than you saw it! Or maybe it's just too dressy for day time?
i usually just tie my hair in lots of buns when wet for curly hair. i look like side show bob when i take them out so op it into a pony tail until it calms down. it's super uncomfty to sleep on, so i may try this. do you think it'll work on short hair?
also i keep reasing this topic as 'heartless curls'
It might work if you use a thin band, maybe just one of those ones thats like a massive hairband/elastic? I might try one of those next.
also i keep reasing this topic as 'heartless curls'
I cant stop doing this now after you said that!
i have one of those & i need to wash my hair. am tempted to give it ago....
I've been wondering if it'll work on shorter hair. But I think the back would end up mostly straight with a weird kink at the bottom...
Or just a flick.
Maybe we need to bring back the 60s/DeeLite/Lady Miss Keir flick!
I am REALLY feeling my age today lol
Hmmm ... I can see how if your hair is already wavy/curly, it might make it go afro/porn star, but for people who have hair like mine (fine, pinstick straight and won't hold a heat curl), it might just work! I'm gonna try this when I was my hair this weekend.
Sidenote: Janine, I now have "Groove is in the heart" stuck in my head >_<
my bottom/back is usually straight anyways. i cant see it, so dont care =) out of sight out of mind =p
Sidenote: Janine, I now have "Groove is in the heart" stuck in my head >_<
Actually, I got it stuck in my own head as soon as I thought of them, so it backfired on me lol