so if I have pink and blue and want yellow and orange, will it work?
If you put yellow over pink you'll get an orange.
If you put yellow over blue you'll get green.
If you put orange over pink you might get orange, you might get a pinky orange, depends on the orange.
If you put orange over blue you'll most likely get mud.
Yellow has to go over yellow or white. Anything else will show through as its a light colour.
Found this colour theory chart and thought I'd post it here... a pretty in-depth illustration of relationships of colours and terminology!
This is my current hair, I hope you all can see what color it is.
I used a homemade color stripper and before I Had a light turquoise and light flamingo pink (both from directions) in my hair and now it turned out like this. I'm trying to go back to white hair and I've tried to get more colors out but it seems that it can't get any lighter than this.
What toners should I use? And after that, is it okay to bleach bath it or should I to that before?
Hope you all had a nice Christmas! *hugs*
Try using a purple shampoo to remove yellow tones. It sometimes removes/hides pinks, but might hightlight it into some yummy lilacness.