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Adore Emerald and Aquamarine again

Noble Member Registered

But a much darker version. This is 2/3rds Emerald and 1/3 Aquamarine, used neat, over a faded pink-to-purple gradient. The pink/purple was quite faded but still definitely pinkish. It came out darker than my last go, with a slight light-to-dark gradient.

It's also REALLY hard to photograph so I had to edit the pic a lot. I'm putting the unedited one up too to show how different it is to any pics you may see of me on FB or Instagram πŸ˜‰

Topic starter Posted : January 23, 2017 1:50 pm
Noble Member Registered

Its come out lovely and rich hasn't it? Weird how different it photographs to the true colour though!

Posted : January 23, 2017 9:32 pm
Famed Member Registered

It's gorgeous!

Posted : January 24, 2017 6:58 am