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To fringe or not to fringe, that is the question!

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Noble Member Registered

So, the first pic is me about 4 years ago when I was ginger and had a fringe, the second pic is me today (excuse the smudgy makeup, I'm a scruff!)- my question is, could I rock that fringe again now (with this hair length, not going back to the bob style). I'm sort of aiming for a chubby version of Alexa Chung, but I'm concerned that with the glasses and the darker colour I will just look like Velma from Scooby Doo! I do have a bit of a side fringe at the moment so it's not a drastic change but I keep second guessing myself about it!


Topic starter Posted : May 11, 2016 8:55 am
(@Wicked Pixie)
New Member Guest

I think glasses and fringes are always tricky, they can make your face look a bit crowded. You look great with or without a fringe, but I always avoided full fringes when I wore glasses

Posted : May 11, 2016 5:00 pm
Famed Member Registered

I like short fringes with glasses. I also really always loved Velma. Maybe there's a connection!

I also just did a google image search and I can't see any pics of fringes and glasses I don't like

I like fringes. I also don't think you'll look like Velma. She had more of a page boy cut than a bob. I should know, I spent most of my childhood with a page boy! 🙂

Posted : May 11, 2016 5:29 pm
(@Wicked Pixie)
New Member Guest

The tricky part is keeping the fringe the correct length. My daughter wears glasses and we recently cut a full fringe back in which has been a major PITA as it needs trimming at least every 2 weeks. Her inspiration was Jess in New Girl, as they have similar frames, and similar face shapes, but it just doesn't work in real life, so she is growing it out again now.

Posted : May 11, 2016 5:44 pm
Famed Member Registered

Lol I used to trim my fringe weekly to keep it the right length 🙂 it's never been a bother to me, I enjoy it a little too much maybe! I only don't have a proper fringe now because I don't want to straighten any of my hair again, I'm dying for Bettie bangs again 🙂

Posted : May 12, 2016 5:20 am
Noble Member Registered

I'd love Betty Bangs, but I have so little hair in the front that a longish, slightly wispy fringe is my only option if I want one at all sadly! You can always fake them by pinning your hair under I guess, one of my friends does it quite often and it looks so pretty on her (she has lovely glossy black shoulder length hair so it looks very authentic).
I think I'm going to hold fire for now as today I've had 2 people say they like my hair off my face (weirdly, I didn't ask their opinion or say I was thinking of cutting the fringe back in!). I'm going to a festival in Spain in 2 weeks so I reckon it might be a silly idea to do anything that could end up being a bit unruly!
Haha I love Velma too, I just don't really want to be compared with her! I seem to attract nutters shouting out who I look like all the time for some reason (when I was blonde it was always Kim Wilde, and when I was ginger it was Adele which really made me mad as I look nowt like her, we're both just chubby!)
I'm going to keep the fringe in mind for autumn when my hair will probably need a good cut after all the sunshine we'll hopefully get this summer! There are some really nice ones in that search you linked to Janine, some that I would seriously consider. Thanks for saying I suit either way Wicked Pixie, that's given me a nice little confidence boost!
Just noticed, I pull the same face in every photo I take, and take them from the same angle  :laugh:

Topic starter Posted : May 12, 2016 4:09 pm
Famed Member Registered

Yeah... well at least you don't get called Grotbags like I have on more than one occasion. Even when my hair wasn't green. I'd love to be called Velma, or at least someone a bit flattering. Doesn't happen! 🙂

Posted : May 12, 2016 4:14 pm
Noble Member Registered

You honestly could not look less like Grotbags if you tried! My worst one was a man in a pub called me a 'tatooed dragon' once!

Topic starter Posted : May 12, 2016 7:30 pm
Famed Member Registered

Sadly that doesn't matter to men in their white vans. Ugh!

Anyway, I forgot to say it before, but you do look good with or without a fringe, so whatever you decide it'll work!

Posted : May 12, 2016 8:00 pm
Noble Member Registered

Ah men in white vans generally have to have their brains removed before they get the job, don't worry about them! Imagine being so insecure and small minded that you feel the need to shout things at people who look in any way different - it's sad for them really (if I could actually be bothered mustering even the slightest feeling towards them at all!)

Thank you lovely, I sometimes get a bit para that the lines on my forehead make me look old and make my skin look bad but then I guess they're only gonna get worse so I'll maybe make the most of it for now and save the fringe for when I can't bear them any longer haha!

Topic starter Posted : May 13, 2016 9:58 am
Famed Member Registered

I don't see lines. I bet no one else sees them. Wrinkles are a sign of a life well lived. Or so they say 🙂 mostly people see them on themselves and not on others.

I generally ignore men in white vans. Just some days they just catch you at the wrong moment or just that thing you're mildly paranoid about, etc. Other days they get my middle finger.

Posted : May 13, 2016 10:18 am
Noble Member Registered

Thank you, that makes me feel better about them 🙂

Yeah once in  a while something will catch a nerve with me and upset me (like the Adele thing, I really didn't take that well even though I think she's an attractive woman, it just annoyed me that they see a fuller-figured woman and think we're all Adele - goes to show how under-represented curvy women are in the media I guess!)but mostly I just laugh or ignore them. I found working in a pub the worst for that, people seem to think they can say literally anything to bar staff.

Topic starter Posted : May 13, 2016 4:12 pm
(@Wicked Pixie)
New Member Guest

You don't have wrinkles! You have great skin!
I am also planning on getting a fringe when my forehead gets wrinkly, much cheaper than botox lol
You look nothing like Adele btw. When I worked in pubs I had dark hair and glasses, and the regulars decided I looked like Nana Mouskouri, which I found hugely offensive lol

Posted : May 13, 2016 4:30 pm
Famed Member Registered

So it's Grotbags or Adele lol

For heavens sake though, Nana Mouskouri! She was actually very pretty, but she was very much a type when she was at her height of fame. I think that goes to show how under represented glasses wearing women are as well!

Posted : May 13, 2016 5:29 pm
Noble Member Registered

Hahah yep, Grotbags, Adele and Nana Mouskouri! We're a famous bunch aren't we? People are idiots haha!

Thanks Wicked Pixie, I have got some up close but I think I probably worry about them more than other people actually notice, I never seem to get taken for my actual age so I guess they can't be that bad! Hahaha the fringe, poor-woman's botox!

Yeah there aren't too many glasses wearing women around are there? My boyfriend always calls me Alex Vause after the girl on Orange is the New Black when I wear mine - I like that comparison though, I wouldn't mind actually looking like her!

Topic starter Posted : May 15, 2016 2:50 pm
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