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Tigi products

New Member Guest

Hello I'm after some advice please. I have highlighted hair and I use the tigi honey and oatmeal shampoo. It's fine when my hair has just be done but once the roots are through I find it gets oily very quickly. My friend swears by the clean up one but I read its for men! Has anyone used it? Thanks

Posted : September 27, 2015 2:58 pm
New Member Guest

I haven't use it, but I assure you the only difference between products aimed at men and ones aimed at women is the fragrance. Men's products typically smell more musky and pine-tree like lol.

Personally, I'd just get a dry shampoo if it's just your roots getting oily. Get a good bristle brush to distribute the oils throughout your hair as well. The highlighted bits need the scalp oil.

Posted : September 27, 2015 9:20 pm
Famed Member Registered

the only difference between products aimed at men and ones aimed at women is the fragrance.

...and women's products are priced higher! They only started making stuff aimed at men and making them feel bad about not using this stuff so they could get some of them to pay more like women. The starkest contrast is women's and men's razors. I was shopping for razors the other week and ended up comparing. I found exactly the same product in pink and blue. I mean, other than the colour it was pretty much exactly the same product with the same stuff on the packaging. These were cheap razors, the blue were about £1 cheaper than the pink! That's a lot when the razors are less than £4.

Posted : September 28, 2015 8:02 am