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Present Basket for my mom :)

New Member Guest

Well... it's my Mums bday in a week and nobody in my family had any other idea so.
We (my brother and me, that is) want to make a present basket with all sorta hair / beauty products. She's been talking with me a lot about stuff like SLS-free Shampoos, skin products,  and stuff, she seemed interested but never bought anything mainly because most things are kinda expensive.
What can I say... Hair: dark brown, she gets demi-permanent colour done  by the hairdresser, goes greasy very fast, but frizzy bits on the sides.She always complains she has to wash it too often and that's why the sides go so frizzy.
Skin: Mixed, I guess? She's 50 but doesn't have too many wrinkles yet.
I'll attach a pic πŸ™‚

Ideas that I have so far:

L'orΓ©al EverPure Shampoo
Jar of Coconut Oil for the frizz
Batiste Dry Shampoo (dark brown or another?)
Tangleteezer (Shower one, because it has a handle)
Any awesome Cone-free condish (which?)
A very gentle body wash (which?)

So I'm looking for ideas and opinions on the ideas that I have so far, be it generally product types or products πŸ™‚

Posted : March 13, 2014 2:24 pm
(@Wicked Pixie)
New Member Guest

I would put in some argan oil. It is great for de-frizzing hair and she can also use it on her skin.
It is a lovely idea BTW.

Posted : March 13, 2014 3:49 pm
Prominent Member Registered

I'm not sure if they are available over there, they are very basic brands here in the states but I absolutely love them. I like Suave Tropical Coconut conditioner as a cone free conditioner, it's light but moisturizes very well, cleans the scalp well and it's cheap, about $1.50-2 for a huge bottle. For body wash that is gentle, I love Dove soap, the original kind in a bottle. It is very gentle + it's the only body wash my mom, my kids and I can use that doesn't break our skin out, leave it dry/itchy + it moisturizes well too. They aren't anything fancy but they really are great products πŸ™‚

Posted : March 13, 2014 4:31 pm
New Member Guest

Thank you both πŸ™‚
Argan oil is a great idea, I've always wanted to try some myself, so I could just buy a little more πŸ˜€
Suave seems to be a US brand, I've never seen it here, but Dove soap sounds good, I think I'll get some πŸ™‚

Posted : March 13, 2014 4:41 pm
New Member Guest

Just as a heads up as I know you want to keep the SLS content low, dove soap aggravates my psoriasis really badly. I'm in the uk so it could be different iingredients but I do find it harsh and drying!
This is such an awesome idea she will be thrilled!!

Posted : March 13, 2014 9:57 pm
New Member Guest

Oh, thanks, I haven't bought it yet. Imma look at the ingredients and decide in the shop. But it's cheap so I guess it's worth a try. But maybe I can find a SLS free body wash that would be perfect πŸ™‚

Posted : March 14, 2014 12:37 pm
Estimable Member Registered

I just started using Naked brand hair products after being told about it by someone on this forum.  They are good for your hair and don't have silicone or other nasty ingredients.  There is a leave in conditioner that I use and it really gets rid of frizzies.  That's saying a lot for me because I have thick wavy hair and frizzies are always an issue!  They also carry an intensive conditioner which is really nice too.  I bought mine at Boots and it wasn't too expensive.  Here's a link to the leave in conditioner: and here's the intense conditioner:

And oh....looking at their website I see they have a whole range of products including body wash, etc that look really nice too! 

Posted : March 14, 2014 1:19 pm
Famed Member Registered

For face lotion, I really like Nivea Pure and Natural cream.  They do both a day cream and a night cream, and they're relatively cheap (around Β£5.00).

An SLS-free shampoo that I've tried out and am really loving is Happy Hair Days.  I dare say it might actually replace Osmo as my favourite SLS-free shampoo.

Oh, I also really love Soap and Glory bath products.  Their Hand Food lotion is amazing for moisturising dry, cracked hands and their Righteous Butter is a great body butter.

Posted : March 15, 2014 7:34 pm
New Member Guest

Oops I thought I had answered but guess I forgot^^
Couldn't get so many of the products because they're not available here :/ All Suave, Happy Hair Days, Osmo, and Naked either don't ship at all to Germany or have terribly high shipping costs.

New list:
Batiste brown + cherry
Jar of Coconut Oil
Argan Oil
Soap and Glory Hand Food
SLS-free Bodywash (Aveda, or how was it called)
L'orΓ©al EverPure Shampoo
Argan Oil Conditioner

I find it funny you suggested Nivea Pure and Natural, my mom already uses that stuff and loves it πŸ™‚

Posted : March 19, 2014 7:43 am
Famed Member Registered

That sounds like a great basket--your mom will love it!

Posted : March 19, 2014 8:13 am