Hello everyone
My natural hair colour is a bit weird. I can't really tell what colour it is, it's like dark blonde. It shines blonde in the light, and some parts are darker (the par*ts that the sun doesn't touch). I want to lighten my hair by using chamomile but I'm not sure if it really works or how much it will get blonder. Is it necessary to be under the sun during the process? Can I just use blow dryer, in both ways I'll be applying heat?
That's how my hair looks in the light, do you think it will work? And can I save the chamomile bottle for a few days? I just want to go a few tones blonder, not really a big difference. How many times should I apply this treatment?
And I'm sorry if I made any mistakes, I'm not a native speaker
As far as I know, chamomile really only adds golden tones, it doesn't actually lighten hair.
As far as I know, chamomile really only adds golden tones, it doesn't actually lighten hair.
Doesn't matter actually π Would it work on my hair?
I'm not sure, but it looks a bit too dark.
I think your hair is too dark for it to work but there is no reason not to try it.
Doing it in sun light is not just about the heat. Then sun gives off UV rays which help lighten hair.
Doing it in sun light is not just about the heat. Then sun gives off UV rays which help lighten hair.
Yep, it's that rather than heat. There's some products for lightening hair that use heat from the hairdryer, but they have peroxide in and heat speeds up peroxide.
I really feel disappointed. I've read that it works on dark blonde and even light medium hair too. That's why I decided to try. So I guess, I'd better keep my hair the same :/
There are lots of natural ways to lighten blonde hair a little; honey, chamomile, lemon juice etc http://naturalgreenlife.wordpress.com/2011/12/20/12-ways-to-lighten-hair/
you can try the honey lightening recipe to lighten your hair as well. It's all natural and has a barely noticeable effect, if it does anything at all... I tried it more than once but I couldn't really see a difference. If it doesn't work, at least it makes the hair softer!