Oh no! I'm sorry this has happened just when your hair was looking so good.
I had the same issue with having to constantly straighten when my hair was growing back after I had major hair loss a few years back. Once it got to about 2 inches it looked stupid unless straightened because of course it was curly and just grew out at right angles to my head, whilst the rest of my hair was still long. I cut it to shoulder length (which was as short as I could bear to go) to help blend it when the new growth started to become really obvious, but still had to keep straightening it. All the straightening meant I ultimately lost about a years worth of growth, but for me it was a fair compromise, I just couldn't go any shorter.
I am still a bot scared of the Aphogee, I need to try on a strand before I commit my whole head. The other thing that puts me off is having to shampoo first. Having to detangle my wet shampooed hair without conditioner on is my hair nightmare. I'm not sure it will be worth the amount of damage and breakage that will cause.
Oh it was such a stupid thing to do. It's mostly not showing thankfully now it's curly. Though, having said that, bleached my roots a couple of days ago and my hair has gone really floppy again! I haven't checked yet, but I think we have a different water supply in Manchester to the one in Wilmslow and I think it's partly that, partly the conditioner I used to mix the dye. It was the only one I could find that didn't have silicone. All of the cheap ones I used to use seem to have silicone in them now, which is disturbing. I've clarified it this morning and it's better, but still not as good as it was before the roots bleaching and the breakage (even with the broken bits it was looking and feeling good), also luckily with the breakage, it's mostly spread out, so it's like someone has gone a crazy with the thinning scissors andittapers out to very thin ends. I had a bit of a cut and that helped a bit too.
I don't blame you for being nervous, I'd definitely do a strand test. Might be better off doing small amounts at a time anyway?