I just dyed my hair with the henna-indigo mix two weeks ago and a few days ago, I developed a sever scalp itch and burn. Today, I discovered a lump (the size of a nickel by the hairline between the nape of my neck and my right ear. I’m guessing it’s a swollen lymph nodes due to the allergic reaction I’m having, my body is fighting whatever that’s invading my body.
A little history, I’ve been commercially dye free in the past 5 years and this is the first time I have tried henna-indigo dye. I did a patch test on my arm but wasnt sensitive before applying the dye to my hair.
I thought henna was supposed to be all natural and dye free? The raved reviews got me jumping on the henna band wagon. And I bought my henna from Down To Earth. The package ingredients only include powder from Lawsonoa Inermis and Indigofera plant, 100% natural and pure, no chemical, no pod, no peroxide.
Has anyone had an allergic reaction after using henna or a mixture of henna and indigo? What can you do to get rid off the itchiness?
I’ve made an appointment to go see a dermatologist later this week.