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HELP - hair LOSS

New Member Guest

SOOOOOO second topic here people, since I got so much help from the first one  ;D
Here's the thing, I never really have had hair loss kind of issues I used to have lot's of volume, since a while ago, but I started using a product that was quite expensive, (well for my pocket it was ahah) and it kinda did calm down but lately I've been under a huge amount of stress like exams and future issues and my hair has been falling like crazy, I gave up dying for a while and ran out of coconut oil, would like a big cut help ? it's not really long but maybe that would help idk, I've been using almond oil to get it back in shape... and I noticed a really big difference with makes me super sad and I want my volume back again fast ): suggestions anyone ?

Posted : July 2, 2014 8:27 pm
Reputable Member Registered

Could it be down to seasonal change?

Where is your hair falling out? Is it mid length or roots?

Posted : July 2, 2014 9:03 pm
Famed Member Registered

The most likely culprit is stress. I would go to the doctor to rule out anything worse.

Though, is it possible it's broken hair from damage?

Posted : July 2, 2014 9:38 pm
Noble Member Registered

If it is coming out at the roots - check for follicles on the ends of the hair - then it's more than likely the stress you are under, but as Janine says it's always worth a check in with your doctor as things like thyroid issues can cause hair loss.

The only way you'll really get the volume back in that case is by waiting for the lost hair to re-grow. I lost about a third to half my hair volume recently after I had an operation; the hair loss occurred in February/March and only now can I feel the little stubbly bits starting to grow back. I have had my hair cut short partly because of this, but it's not made the hair grow back any quicker or restored volume.

Posted : July 3, 2014 7:12 am