I think a lot of people don't realise just how damaged a split end or overbleached hair really is.
Overpocessed hair that can potentially be repaired (to an extent):
Hair with a chemical relaxant:
Severely overprocessed hair; fried hair:
Hair that has snapped off (this will happen if you have fried hair):
Split ends:
Heat damage:
Details on these and more photos can be found at:
http://www.hairdressersus.com/under%20the%20microscope.asp and http://pgbeautyscience.com/hair-damage.php
Blleegghhh.. It looks so painful
I saw these before, but it's so fascinating to look at it. I feel so sorry for my poor hairsies.
I would be fascinated to see some of our hair under the scope to see what condition it's in, do u think college microscopes would do it?
I think most of these were under electron microscopes, but you can always try a regular one and see what there is to see!
This actually made me sad.. as lame as that is, one of the photos was of hair boiling through the cortex and I think that that's why my hair has been feeling horrific ever since I got it cut. She boiled it π
Oucccch just saw this on another post... Eeeek, that is almost painful to look at!
oh ming. makes me want to shave my head incase i have some of this!
wow, I really feel the need to see my hair under the scope now... perhaps one of my scientsy-friends would help me. Has anyone here looked at theirs? Regular microscope?
I would be fascinated to see some of our hair under the scope to see what condition it's in, do u think college microscopes would do it?
you can see it under a normal microscope; it will not be in such detail as these but you can still see it to a certain degree. You can see the fibrey parts and the split ends and you can see a bend where it is heat damaged. I looked at mine when my dad got me a microscope for uni and it didnt look anything like any of the pictures. Even with the bleach it looked like more like normal hairs as i take good care of it and don't over process it. It actually looked healthier than some of my classmates as i do all night conditioning treatments π