Sighhhhhh. To be honest those are good tips for be healthy / feeling happier / general wellbeing, so it can't hurt. But I wish there was a quick fix!
Ah the trims part is the one I NEVER follow, even though I'm always told to get it trimmed haha. I've been wanting my hair to grow to my boobs since 9th grade, I've graduated and it seems in all these years, it's been like an inch from getting there, it's never gonna! D: lol
Ive been trying to grow mine since a hairdresser cut it all off without asking me =[ my aim is to be able to stand topless and have it cover my boobies AHAHAH! had to have a couple of inches cut off last week from bleach damage =[ not gonna do anything damaging for a looong time. Plus, ive starting eating fish again, been total veggie for the last ten years and my body really wanted me to eat fish again, my brain still hates it =[ aghh the things we do for our hair!
amy thats totally my goal too 😛 although I've been trying to grow for ages and its been same length for the last year or so, gonna have to just go for extensions :
haha, its the best length then haha. same, I can never seem to get past the armpit level =[ Ive been looking at extensions, but cos my hairs such a wierd colour from bleach out the atomic pink, theres no way i can find any to match, and would have no idea what colour to dye them if i got blonde one and did it myself =[
My hair used to grow ridiculously quickly: I used to have hair that went to just below my waist, then I cut it off to collar-length, and it was soon back to boob-length. Every time I have long hair I start wanting to cut it all off though, and it's not growing anywhere near as quickly since the last time I did that. I don't know if it's just because I'm getting older, because I can't say there's been a huge difference in my diet/lifestyle/haircare since then. I do sometimes miss my really long hair, but then I remember how much of a pain it was to look after!
I will probably want to cut it all off as soon as its long, I just feel I need it that long and make my OWN decision to cut it off. Ive never had long long hair cos I cut it all off myself when i was about 7, which was a massive mistake, I think its the seven year old girl in me who never got to braid her long hair wanting to get out =] haha. I know that a chin length bob will suit me more than long hair, but i must fulfill my lifes dream! hahaha.