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Hair cut help!

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Hola lovely people! πŸ™‚ Hope everyone is feeling fine!

I'm having a(nother) hair dilemma!  Over the last year I've been really really good and perservered with growing my hair out from a short short pixie cut and now have it to almost shoulder length (see pic - it is now raspberry pink though πŸ™‚ )

Buuuuutt, it is now driving me nuts!! It is at the length where it doesn't really behave and lie nicely but sticks out as it hits my shoulders even when I straighten it within an inch of it's life, I'm also not a particularly girly girl so am a bit rubbish at the whole styling thing so most days I either tie it back in a messy bun/hairband or a bog standard ponytail (YAWN!) So I'm now at the point where I'm REAALLLLYYY tempted to have it all chopped off again!

I can't decide weather to keep going with the growing but get it cut into a better shape like a kind of a-line bob with slightly shorter layers underneath or just go for it and have it back to a nice long fringed asymmetric crop with lots of shape and texture to funk it up a bit!


Opinions please and thanking you muchly πŸ™‚
A xXx


Topic starter Posted : November 29, 2015 6:24 pm