I got a handful of blues and purples that are only about 1 - 2 tsp left. Since I'm not going to do streaks or rainbows, I might as well make toner.
Is it possible? What would you dilute it with? I searched the forums, and it seems that conditioner is not recommended, because too much will prevent the color from sticking...?
Toners are often made from diluted blue/purple dyes. I find it best to use a silicone free conditioner.
Actually that's what most of us use for our toners are semis heavily diluted in conditioner, though for some people using shampoo works better. I agree with Wicked Pixie though, a silicone free one seems to work best. What country are you in?
I'm in the US. I only use silicone-free conditioner anyways.
Would VO5 work? I only ask because it's $1 a bottle, haha.
Yep VO5 works great, as does Suave's Tropical Coconut conditioner. Walmart usually has a huge bottle of it for like $1.50
So I just eyeball it and hope that I don't go overboard with the dye, or is there a magic ratio?
If you're unsure about amounts of dye to put in I would start with a tiny amount and do strand tests while adding more dye until it tones as much as you want. The amount of dye you need varies with the exact shade of your hair so trial and error is the best way to find out.
Thanks a ton!