So I need some serious help!!
So I bleached my hair for a balayage type look and tried to mix a toner myself. I put too much blue in and my hair started going green, and for some unknown reason I carried on. Then when it looked awful I just put the blue dye on.
It ended up blue, green, brown and a bit of blonde, so I panicked! And put a dark brown hair dye over it which went practically black.
So now I have hair that is way too dark for me with green and bits of blue coming through 😩
I am thinking about buying a colour b4 and then trying vitamin c and hoping it will fade it and eventually come out.
Please help I just want it brown or back to brown and blonde.
I have attached pics so you can see what a mess I made.
The easiest, least damaging thing would be to add red. Red will counteract the green and turn it dark brown like the rest. Add some red (brands like directions or Adore would be perfect) to conditioner and put that on and leave it for 15 mins or so.
If you want it paler brown, use a colour remover (brands I recommend will depend on the country you're in). Then see what result you get and we can advise further. You can use them up to three times in a row and you get a better result the sooner you do it after dying.
So if you are still with me, tonight I have done a colour b4. It’s was so good! It got all the black/brown dye out completely.
Although, I am back to my main problem... getting this green out hah
My main problem was work not letting people have wild hair colours but now I have found out it’s not a problem I’m not as bothered what my hair actually looks like.
So if I put red on this will it all be okay to dye it brown? As I don’t really want to keep it this colour obviously lol (it’s green, but like when you do it bright green on purpose, it’s not subtle)
I have a red hair dye and a brown I need help on what to do next!
And FYI I thought I could never afford to have my hair done professionally, but what I have spent over this month completely messing my hair up, is way more than just going and getting it done lol
i would try other fading methods first such as the vitamin C or bicarb methods. (you can find them on the fading color thread) otherwise, i would get a red based brown to go on top and then use the red dye in conditioner when the green starts showing again.
I agree.