Is there even such a thing or do they all just suck? I have a ton of tint brushes and they're all pretty much the same and I hate them all. Everywhere I have looked just seems to have the same cheap crappy brushes.
The plastic bristles get bent too easily and wind up sticking out. A lot of them also lose bristles. But the most annoying thing is how they don't hold dye well. It just plops off the brush and I make such a mess. I drop less picking up blobs of dye with my fingers.
I'm open to non-tint brush suggestions as well. Any sort of tool to help apply dye and bleach accurately is appreciated.
I've never really seen anything else available other than cheap ones. I can't see anything expensive really being worth it. I've got to say though, I've never been as unlucky as you with them! I don't really often get bent bristles, let alone falling out. I wonder if we're doing something different. Mine are always super cheap and I usually have them for about 2 or 3 years, only needing to buy a new one because I lose the last lol
I could swear once upon a time i read someone preferred using a foundation brush. For roots at least. i can see why!
I had a fab l'oreal one that lasted forever and had a lovely edge on it, not one that would get dye all over the place if you know what i mean
These look interesting, they have good reviews - they are rubber
I tend to buy the really cheap ones in pound shops, but the bristles are generally too soft for accurate root application. I have one that is bigger and stiffer and it is much better, I think it came from Sallys.
I have looked at those rubber ones, they have them at the supply place I go to. I wonder how well they hold dye since it's just a solid piece of rubber. My biggest issue is dropping the dye off the end of the brush before I can get it on my head. I'm a renter and can't be flinging dye on the floor and walls. I try to be careful but it always winds up everywhere. Maybe it's just because Adore and Manic Panic are just runny dyes even with mixed with conditioner.
My translucent pink tint brush lost bristles from day 1. I wound up tossing it because it wouldn't stop shedding. The generic black 49 cent one wasn't stiff enough and the bristles bent from resting in the bowl, this one also wound up in the trash. The one that I got from Manic Panic is alright but it drops dye and snags my hair sometimes. I think the best one I ever had was from a Nice and Easy root touch up kit, it's a tiny angled brush with dense bristles and I use to bleach my roots. It's not big enough to dye my head with.
I have been thinking of trying a silicone bristled brush, like what you'd use to put bbq sauce on food with. Might be too floppy though.
Silicone would definitely be too floppy.
Just use your hands for dye. I rarely use a brush for it, even when I'm doing gradients etc. If it's cleaner that way, you might as well.
I use a brush which is actually an art brush for acrylics, oil colors, etc. It's flat, 2cm wide, soft bristles. I do have also one of those brushes you're supposed to use with hair dyes but I don't like it, it's too big and I don't like the big, plastic bristles it has.
I also just use my hands. I find tint brushes just make it harder for me.
I use my fingers too.
I tend to just use a tint brush around the hairline to *try* to make less of a mess on my skin (which rarely works anyway, I usually end up with blue forehead syndrome for a good few days afterwards!), then I just squish it into the rest of my hair with my hands anyway.
I only use my tint brush for bleaching my roots, and it does a pretty good job at it (I bought mine from BU). I just run dye through my hair with gloved hands.
If you're using Adore in any mix, it's best to put it in an applicator bottle or else you end up with droplets of it absolutely everywhere.
I only use tint brushes for my roots and shove the rest on with hands. I make a mess either way. LOL