School supplies, ooooh yeah >.<
Which reminds me, I should probably clean out and wash my purse so I don't have to carry my stuff in a plastic bag or something o.o
Yet more nail polish from Bodycare & Poundland cant resist shiny pretty coloured bottles 🙂 a belt cos mine snapped and jeans kept falling down also from ye olde Poundlande, Oh and some Alpine Green dye from market 🙂
Another pair of shoes ;A; Worth it though since it was a pair I'd wanted for a longgg time (would link/pictures but since I'm relatively new I can't)
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last night i was at a house party and decided i wanted a packet of skips, so i forced my friend to drive me 20 minutes to find a shop that was open, then proceeded to buy six packets. cost me nearly a fiver and i only got two of them, sake :/
I treated myself to a couple of t-shirts and hoodies as an early birthday present.
tickets for the wilhearts <3
A new tank for my gerbil! 😀
A couple of vest tops, a fleecy top and some gorgeous new specs 🙂
2 tubs of flo glo ready to do my rainbow 😀
2 Hawkwind tickets *1* and today Poundland again a pack of artist brushes to try nail art,Stila pressed powder (is fab for £1).Ebay some dotting tools for nail art,some braces for my jeans and flea drops for the dogs (they`ve got unwanted visitors)
tickets for the wilhearts <3
Seen Ginger the wildhearts last December in Wales, thye were brilliant!
Just bought 2 tickets to see Marilyn Manson this December 🙂
I just bought a Cath Kidston bag to replace all my others that have broken, ripped, fallen apart...
Just bought 2 tickets to see Marilyn Manson this December 🙂
I am so jealous!
last thing i bought was two twinkley labret bars, as I'm determined that this month I am going to get my snakebites done 😀
last thing i bought was a shirt from the fm4 frequency festival in austira : D
awesome bands & people btw : )