ahh that tshirt is amazing!x
ahh that tshirt is amazing!x
+ vinyl gloves and hair dye
A 1910 edition of Spenser's Poetical Works.
Theeeese, I love them so much, I've only taken them off my feet to sleep 😀
Theeeese, I love them so much, I've only taken them off my feet to sleep 😀
They truly are a thing of beauty 🙂
Mymble, I may have to steal your DM's...love them!
This blanket/throw! 😀
I love those!
ahhhh those shoes <3
I used to have that bed exoskeletal.. I loved it *miss it * 🙁
some fluffy socks and some books
I was very naughty and bought a dress even though I shouldn't really be spending extra money at the moment. But it is very pretty, and I needed something to relieve the stress of having to go into town on a Saturday!
That picture has just reminded me that I have a necklace just like that as well. 😀
I bought some new earbuds after my Beats died in February D:
I was feeling sorry for myself, so I bought 2 pink shirts. One unnecessary pink shirt just wasn't enough!
I also bought a giant sized bottle of Shiny Silver conditioner and a tiny sized bottle of Ion 40vol sensitive scalp developer.