i also NEEEEDD!!!!
It's from Nastygal.com! 🙂
It's from Nastygal.com! 🙂
Time to do some internet window shopping... that's this afternoon down the pan!
Last things I bought were macaroons and wine, a.k.a. lunch.
Last things I bought were macaroons and wine, a.k.a. lunch.
I thoroughly approve of this nutritious choice! 😀
Last things I bought were Memento Mori by Muriel Spark, some powder bleach, and a few ales.
the weekly shop. i was a sweaty betty carrying that lot!
I thoroughly approve of this nutritious choice! 😀
Coconut and grapes are really healthy! I plan on living to a ripe old age on this stuff. 😛
the weekly shop. i was a sweaty betty carrying that lot!
I feel your pain! I live at the top of a ridiculous hill and the supermarket is right at the bottom. By the time I get back to my house I have to eat half the stuff I've bought just to regain my strength!
hahahaha. that made me mega lolz....kinda at your expense. sozzle. i caught 2 buses home and it was akward to say the least. had my ticket in my mouth as i couldnt left my arms up. loked fit 😉
hahahaha. that made me mega lolz....kinda at your expense. sozzle. i caught 2 buses home and it was akward to say the least. had my ticket in my mouth as i couldnt left my arms up. loked fit 😉
Laugh away, I know I would if I caught sight of myself staggering up the hill with 4 Tesco bags. 😛 Even better when it's really windy and I can't see through the hair all over my face! Loooveee the ticket-in-mouth solution. Normally I just hold everything all awkwardly and then lurch way too close to the bus driver. I think you win.
A new cardi for burlesque, although Ive just discovered its 3/4length sleeves and the buttons are hard whoops, so that'll be for every day wear 😛 £3.49 I wont complain 😉
aaand a new book 🙂
Some XXL Ice Blonde box dye - I use it to bleach/lighten my hair.
Thought I'd mention it because it's on offer at Asda at the moment for £4, which is a bargain when Tesco are charging £5.49!
And, a Hellsing DVD ;]
some hair lightening stuff, a yellow Buzz mug (hellyes), purple shampoo for when i can finally get my pink out in places to put more colour in, some tropical juice and a scratch card ;D
EDIT: yesterday!:
loads of FREE Magic the Gathering cards, a mythic rare Magic card, a binder folder thing for them all and some Daim bar Mikados :3
got a sparkly, light blue nose piercing <3
a cherry underbust corset 🙂
The spring edition of Vogue Magazine with Lana Del Ray on the cover. A white cotton 50's style shift dress with pineapple prints all over it. A 50's style black funnel neck wiggle dress.