I bought my pets christmas presents...
Bunch of segment rings, and 1.2 balls xD...
Frozen chocolate pastries, just nomming on them now! ;D
christmas treeee!
awesome glittery nail varnish 😀
christmas treeee!
I have so much love for this. ;D
Tons and tons of Christmassy foodz for tomorrow and Christmas day - obviously.
A delicious salad and some iced tea at a bar/cafe in town :3
christmas treeee!
I have so much love for this. ;D
Tons and tons of Christmassy foodz for tomorrow and Christmas day - obviously.
lol. all they wanted was their treat! baby bibs look goo on dogs!
bottle of vimto haha last of the big spenders
and purplepurplestar your doggies are toooooo cute
Purplepurplestar The brown dog looks ultra cute, the other one's just plain gorgeous, the tree looks great and you have Shemar Moore on the telly. What more could we want? LOL
Just bought some milk because we've gone through 8 pints in three days!
Purplepurplestar The brown dog looks ultra cute, the other one's just plain gorgeous, the tree looks great and you have Shemar Moore on the telly. What more could we want? LOL
Just bought some milk because we've gone through 8 pints in three days!
lol i dont know who Shemar Moore is on tv.. it was just on!
molly (brown) always looks like shes up to someting!.. ouija (black one) is the cheeky one!..
bootiful blue leather skirt (which actually doesn't make me look like a street-corner-hopper) :') and ANOTHER set of undies 😀
oxfam goodies including destiny child, alishas attic albums and a pirate patch set. all for ryan, lolz
I went shopping today <3
I got:
grey jeggings
green nailpolish
a gorgeous black/white striped bra with lace and a bow which was 3€ - bargain!
a bag of crisps
a hot pink dress, with a zipper at the front. How awesome is this gonna look with lime green hair? <3
Some bits and bobs from wildcats: a few titanium rings that were on clearance and some glass tunnels for my ears.