Hey everyone, so, just lately I've notices that I've bought an abundance of stuff with nowhere to really put it. So as a cure for this, I've decided to take on the 5 box challenge. What this is is basically I take 5 boxes, fill them with the bare essentials (bar clothes, that comes later) and things I want to keep, and sell/charity shop/chuck the things I don't.
I think this is going to be one of the more difficult things I've done this year so far, but I'm really looking forward to that feeling of relief when I don't have to clear a path to get into bed, haha. If any of you want to see it for real, I might take some pictures and write a post on it if there's enough want for me to.
Wish me luck!
I need to do something like this with our laundry/storage room. The space we live in is just too small for all the stuff we have + I really, really need to just go through it all. I get overwhelmed just looking at it though, I don't even know where to start! When I look at this room, we look like hoarders, no joke. Craft supplies up the wazoo, a bunch of fishing poles + gear, boxes of the kids baby clothes that I can't bear to part with, books in boxes and boxes because there's no more room on out bookshelves + no room for any more bookshelves...knick knacks, Christmas decorations, etc...
Sounds like a great idea! I also have way too much stuff I've held on to over the years, I give regularly to my friends charity shop, but I seem to have kept lots of junk that needs throwing in the bin really! I may try this
Question: how big can the boxes be? 😀
I look forward to your idea for clothing if you have one because I definitely need that! But for this challenge, do you mean like cosmetics and hair stuff and jewellery and accessories? Shoes? Or am I completely missing the plot and you mean other stuff?
Would love to see pictures... it would probably make me feel better about my clutter, lol.
Thank you everyone!
@Alexia - my boxes will be pretty big yes, and it's everything bar clothes, including but not limited to ornaments, hair stuff, jewellery, accessories, my figurine collection, the whole kaboodle.
I'll definitely post pictures if you want me to, and with clothes I'm going by the rule of 7's (i.e. 7 pairs of trousers, skirts, shirts etc.) going up to 21 of each, so like 3 weeks worth of outfits and shoes to go with said outfits, ahaa.
I really like your thinking, @m0rbi, I need to think like you!
I didn't think about figurines, well done, yes, they take up room too.
I've posted here before that I've got a clothing obsession, and I realise that I don't get full use of stuff because I've got too much 'stuff' that's stuck to the back of my 'collections', things fall all out over the place, so I don't bother being too creative sometimes in getting dressed - whatever is on top and most easily accessible is what I wear, lol. So it's been pointless to be keeping stuff that's just taking up room and remains unworn.
Though I have a hard time getting rid of some items so, just this week, I decided to - not "get rid of" but - separate stuff I just don't wear now and put them away, out of the way, so I can access things that I'm more likely to wear and hopefully have more variety. I focussed a bit on summery stuff this time. So perhaps, come winter, I can pull out the archived stuff and look at it in a different light, decrease the volumes, and give some [more] stuff to charity.
If you post pictures, I will too, ha ha.
Thanks for this inspiration! I like your thinking in "sevens". 😀
My entire life is more or less 40kg worth of items at best, wouldnt even fit into 5 boxes :<
Fab idea! Might give it a go!
I'm trying to do this in preparation for moving out! It's difficult ;_;
It's not easy decluttering, but I had another go this past weekend and was honest-honest with stuff. Filled up a few bags of clothes for charity and am really pleased with the approach this time!
I allowed: 1) a bag of stuff to keep that I don't wear that have memories, etc., and 2) another bag of stuff to keep that might be difficult to wear (i.e., fancy stuff or things that are gorgeous but not necessarily comfy and get in the way of things I'm more likely to use regularly). So I got loads of unusable stuff out of the way but allowed myself to keep them.
Everything else was either: 1) wear it and love it and keep it visible/accessible, or 2) don't wear it, won't miss it, and give it to charity.