Even though I'm a cold hearted, evil animal hater (totally not true, I'm just not the most vulnerable to cute!), I've found myself semi addicted to this kitten cam.
I found it with the last lot of kitten they had before they adopted them out again. They take on a cat and her kittens who have been abandoned and raise them until they're old enough to be split.
I tend to have it on in the corner of my screen quite a bit these days...
I hate you. There goes my degree
oh my godsssss. So flipppin' cute
Not clicking, I have life decisions to make!
When I have a stable job... then I click...
*squee* They're so cute!
Ahhh this is the best thing ever but it makes me want to go and get more cats haha
Aaaaarrrrrgggghhhhh! I want to be a crazy cat lady, but my husband won't let me!!!!
I'm saved by my crappy internet connection that won't let me stream anything... or I'm sure I'd never get anything done. 😉
Oh my gosh, this guy isn't far from where I grew up!
omg damn you janine im obsessed! and i hooked my laptop up to my tv and took a video of my cats reaction
Hahaha awww!!
So cute
Adorable *lovestars*
haha already addicted to a few kitten cams, damn it
Ugh I just found this! Now how am i susposed to get any work done.