Aw, everyone's fluffy and scaly and spiny critters are so cute!
Do you take tesla out much?
We take Tesla out much more often. I'd say for sure a couple of times per month. He's a pacer, so if we take him out too much... he paces and pushes the acrylic door on his enclosure (which is bad for his nose/face). I think he'd enjoy being out much more if it weren't for that. He likes to explore. 😀
Herps your turtle is so cute!
Cupcake~ I love the goats too, sorry they are going. Amazing collection 🙂 Cool to see the chickens too. I wonder how heavy Tesla is omg!
Not my pet, but i wish he was
I have:
6 yr old reverse brindle Great Dane named Chloe
6yr old harlequin Great Dane named Lexi
1.5yr old Great Dane named Link
A breeding pair of cockatiels; Blitzkrieg regular grey and Berlin is a pearl.
1 yr old cat named Schnitzel
4 month old cat named Sechs
Multiple Standardbred racehorses- I won't go through all their names lol
Hubby has promised me that i can have a sphnyx cat, i've wanted one for so long. We have to wait until we've been to egypt as its not fair buying one then sticking it in the cattery for 2 weeks, but i defo want a male dark coloured and it is so going to be called yoda lol xx
I have 3 lovely little fuzzy ferrets; Bandit, Sherlock and Rudolpho (3 years old) and recently adopted a German Shepherd called Bella whose also 3 🙂 Sherlock isn't as much of a fatty anymore as he's had his whatsits off and is a completely different colour now *stars* but hes still loverly!
I have a 2 year old kitty named Azrael and my boyfriend has 2 American Staffords, Shiva and Spike. We live together and he got Spike as a puppy when we were already together so it kind of feels like they're my pets too. I love them just the same 🙂
We've got a very ignorant papillon (who's convinced humans are all here to serve him and cater to his every whim!) and a very dumb pit bull cross.
I've always had dogs and when we move to a bigger property we'll be getting more. My youngest wants a llama as well, but I'm not sure on that
Oh get a llama! That would be the coolest pet ever!!
our newest baby Lola
Aww she's adorable 🙂
Everyone's furbabies are so cute!
*lovestars* Love