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Sometimes I feel like I'm just a contrarian...

I can't get into Stranger Things at all! I like the music for the most part, but find the actual soundtrack a little overbearing. I can sum up why I don't really like it though...

1, it's like a steven king thing and I don't really like many of them.

2, I've never gelled that well with things with most films that have gangs of kids in them, especially when it's all boys (only girls are from outside the group). Even when I was a kid. The fact it obviously harks after The Goonies isn't good for me. I like the Goonies despite the kids.

3, I'm getting super bored of super natural things. They all end up pretty disappointing. I'm not sure I can think of a single one that's had an interesting resolution in the end.

4, (possible spoilers?) the weird thing in the beginning that was after the kid that disappears. It looks like the Slender Man that was from the Creepy Pasta stories. I always found that the dumbest creepy pasta! And it was a dumb film with Jessica Alba I think, terrible.

5, Oh, and it reminds me a bit of ET and I never liked that much either. To the point I've never watched it in it's entirety.

But it's perfectly fine for other people to like it! I just don't get it πŸ™‚

Posted : August 4, 2016 8:49 pm
Noble Member Registered

Yeah I'm a big fan of John Carpenter and the score leans heavily on that reference so for me it was awesome - my brother isn't and found the music a bit distracting! (also the actual pop songs used in it were very much my thing, 80's gothy synth pop is definitely what I'm all about) I'm also a big fan of ET and I do like Stephen King (also I adore Winona Ryder) so I think it was all just right up my street. I thought I was going to find the kids too irritating in the beginning but they were ok in the end, the only ones I really didn't like were the older sister (for some reason her facial expressions got on my nerves) and her douchey boyfriend who I don't think you were meant to like anyway.

Posted : August 5, 2016 10:06 pm
Famed Member Registered

Ugh, the boyfriend. You're definitely not supposed to like him, but it made me angry.

I watched it to the end the other day. It got a bit better and I was a little more invested as I realised it was going to have a solution. I'm sick to death of shows that aren't quite sure when they're going to end and so you just get this weird long drawn out thing and never get a satisfying end. I miss having Twin Peaks for that reason... even though, that got kinda bad after the reveal. I think I just want more shows like American Horror Story (even though I've not been wowed by that since the first season... granted I only watched the first one and couldn't get through the second. YET.).

Anyway, the end was a bit meh for me, but satisfying enough!

I want to talk about Versailles because I loved it. But that's BBC and I suspect many didn't love it lol it was a tad slow at times and the historical accuracy... well, there isn't a lot. But it's a fun historical soap opera and I do love them despite everything!

Posted : August 12, 2016 7:19 pm
Noble Member Registered

Wasn't he just so horrible? Glad you enjoyed it a bit more towards the end, I completely agree that things dragging on without any resolution is just irritating (I just finished Season 1 of the Affair and it took so long to have any sort of point to anything in it that quite frankly I've lost interest!) I don't mind a hint of something being left open for the possibility of another season but when things just drag on endlessly I struggle to remain interested.

American Horror Story is a weird one for me, I loved the first and second ones, the third one is one of my favourite pieces of TV ever (witches and Fleetwood Mac, the perfect combo for me!) but then the 4th and 5th ones I haven't finished, 4 seemed to lose its way mid season and got a bit dull and 5 although I was enjoying it I left it too long between episodes and I think I need to start over again with it.

I haven't seen any of Versailles as I don't have a tv aerial so I only have Netflix!

I watched the first Episode of The Getdown yesterday and I'm dying to watch Ep 2 but I'm waiting for my boyfriend to catch up! I really enjoyed it.

Posted : August 13, 2016 2:45 pm
Famed Member Registered

Can you not use BBC iPlayer there? Damn shame if not! I suspect it'll be on something like Netflix fairly soon though and it's too late to watch it on BBC iplayer as there's only 2 or 3 episodes on there now. We don't have any way to watch terrestrial TV anymore as we don't have a set top box and couldn't be bothered to get one. We've been using a free sat box for the last 7ish years because the places we've lived all happened to have a satellite dish! I miss live TV a little bit, but only on the days I'm struggling to decide what to watch lol

I've been using NowTV a lot more recently, but I'll get back into Netflix soon as they add more for autumn. I need to catch up with the Amazon offerings as well!

Posted : August 13, 2016 3:15 pm
Estimable Member Registered

Yess! I saw this thread pop up again and I knew someone would mention stranger things:D I really enjoyed it! I binge watched the whole thing with my boyfriend in only a few days lol. I love how it's sort of a mix on genres, kind of sci-fi but also fantasy but not quite either but it's got that tension and slight creepiness (is that a word lol?) that I like.

On a side note I've also got my boyfriend into arrested development so I've been rewatching that. I love the ridiculous humour of it

Posted : August 14, 2016 7:35 am
Noble Member Registered

We can get the iplayer Janine, but we don't have a tv licence as it's not worth it for us with not having any tv access through and aerial or sky box or anything. I do miss having certain things but I can always catch up a bit when I go back to Manchester to see my mum! I hope that Versailles does come on Netflix, I would like to give it a go! One of my friends has been watching one called Reign I think, but I'm not sure if I fancy it (the friend who recommended it admits to having terrible taste ha! ). I always feel like I sound like a pretentious hipster when people asked if I watched something and I say 'oh, we don't watch tv' bleurgh!!! Although it saves admitting to people that i wouldn't be interested in X Factor or Big brother or whatever anyway!

Aaah Arrested Development I will never tire of! I introduced my niece (she's 14) to it last weekend when she was visiting and she ended up watching 10 episodes in one day ha!

Posted : August 14, 2016 1:55 pm
Famed Member Registered

Yeah, I've not watched Big Brother since about the 3rd year when it became obvious it was definitely not just a social experiment (that's got to be about 15 years now?), but something evil! lol X Factor, so boring for me!

Reign I tried to watch, but it's irritating as all hell! The costume is soooooo off base, but they have designed it that way for sure. It actually looks like they're in a mildly exaggerated version of today's fashion. Pretty, but also kinda boring. Even 50s/60s historical drama's tried harder than this and they had much more fun hair and make up ;)And they might as well give up any pretension of it being about Mary's life. It's probably the least accurate thing of anything I've ever seen. Mind you, I guess having four ladies in waiting called Mary (so 5 Mary's in total) would probably have been pretty confusing!

Posted : August 14, 2016 2:32 pm
Noble Member Registered

That's what I was afraid of, it's not like I'm that fussy about things being historically accurate but I annoy myself if I'm constantly sitting there going "that's not how that happened" every two minutes! And yeah if the costumes aren't even fun then there's nothing to distract myself with either!

I think I stopped watching BB around the same time! My idiot ex loved it though, I love not having to sit in the same room as the tv shows he watched any more haha!

Posted : August 14, 2016 2:36 pm
Famed Member Registered

It's obviously aimed at the young female market, but I can't help but feel like they're talking down to them with this. Maybe that's because I was watching Bette Davis and Glenda Jackson playing Elizabeth I and Richard Burton and Charles Laughton play Henry VIII at that age and LOVING it. I wasn't your average teen I guess...

Posted : August 14, 2016 2:41 pm
Noble Member Registered

Ahh I was obsessed with Glenda Jackson when I was a teenager! I think it all just comes back to that thing where appealing to conventional  beauty standards comes above all else for women in film and tv at the moment, it's so boring!

Posted : August 14, 2016 3:22 pm
Noble Member Registered

Watched the first episode of Zoo last night. I was kinda sleepy so didn't pay 100% attention so I may have to watch it again to get in to it, but I like the idea of it so I'm hoping it doesn't disappoint!

I loved Stranger Things, liked the ending and that it could either go to another season or just end on that note. Loved Winona in it.

Posted : August 17, 2016 10:19 am
Noble Member Registered

Yeah I'm pretty much back to 1993 levels of obsessed with Winona again!

Posted : August 17, 2016 12:56 pm
Noble Member Registered

So, after saying how much I really didn't like the first season of Love, I'm quite enjoying the second one!

Posted : March 14, 2017 4:28 pm
Famed Member Registered

Yay! I started to be mildly disappointed with it most of the way through, but the season finale was satisfying πŸ™‚ I've already forgotten what it was and we only watched it yesterday...

I have this weird thing of watching bad things when bad real life things are going on in my life. So I can be reminded others have worse things that happen. It's kind of cruel in a way. The relevance of that is, I've been watching "Fear Thy Neighbour" about feuding neighbours and some end up tragically. Also something  about murder within the family and another one on stalking. I wouldn't recommend any though! They all make me feel a bit dirty because it's so voyeuristic. Not sure why I'm admitting all that!

Anyone heard when Twin Peaks is starting? I'm so bothered that my brother probably isn't going to be able to watch it. He loved Twin Peaks even more than me when I was 17 and he was 13. πŸ™ It's a silly thing, but we all have silly moments.

Posted : March 14, 2017 4:40 pm
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