Sorry about your hamster, Roby 🙁
Oh Roby, so sorry.:( xx
Going to a party at my boyfriends house. His parents are there. Haven't seen them since his mum attacked me 2 years ago. I'm shaking and can't breathe 🙁
His mum attacked you!?
I really don't know where I stand with White (as a friend I may add).
Yesterday he was being sociable in the front room and he even went to town to buy me some hair dye (mainly so he could have a go on his new scooter but still) and we stayed up late talking and watching Peep Show and now I've not even seen him today, he's just all shut in his room and it just feels like he's avoiding me, he always does this after we stay up late and it's starting to really bother me.
Yeah, its a long story. Basically, me and Calum have been together 6 years. His mums always been a bit off with me, always making little remarks and insults about me or my family. Obviously this made me visit his house leas and less. Eventually it all came to a head when we crossed paths one night where she pinned me against the wall and called me all the names under the sun. I've been terrified ever since, had to have therapy cos I cpuldnt answer the door or phone incase it was her. Blehh, I'm here now, she's being all sweet like butter couldn't melt. I want to throw up, blugh.
tired beyond words, i was up late i admit, and woke up early for the paper round, but we didn't go so i've been asleep pretty much up until now on the sofa and i'm so so so tired..
got work at 4 too, don't mind today, but i'm so tired.
I'm still ill! I'm getting worse and worse, I'm hoping this doesn't turn into bronchitis and pneumonia like I had back in Feb :/ Luckily husband has a week off starting tomorrow - we were supposed to go away with my mum and sisters, but after the fall out we had with my mum not long after my wedding, we cancelled. So that means he's home to help out with the kids/housework!
My other moan, is that I put a status on fb saying thanks to everyone for asking throughout my 3months of physio how it was going, and that its my last week next week, and at the end I put 'and for those who didnt ask, I see how it is!' which was meant to be jokey, but I got inundated with inbox messages seconds after from my sisters...
(who, in actual fact, were the only 3 people out of all of the people who knew what happened the day before the wedding that *didn't* ask how I was after the wedding)
So I'm contemplating deleting everything off it, and everyone, and just using it for running the shop page. I don't really wanna do that but it's one thing after another on there!
Why don't you just delete and block your sisters? they seem to be the trouble makers, I realise that might cause more problems than it solves, but it seems like they're the ones that always start messaging you 🙁 and presumably the people who did ask how you were would be on there too, and it's the easiest way to stay in contact. That's all 🙂
Blehh, never knew what a head cold was until today. Feels all fluffy in my skull and my eyeballs hurt =[
I've had the flu since thursday and now I have a horrible cough and stuffed up nose, yuck. 🙁
Why don't you just delete and block your sisters? they seem to be the trouble makers, I realise that might cause more problems than it solves, but it seems like they're the ones that always start messaging you 🙁 and presumably the people who did ask how you were would be on there too, and it's the easiest way to stay in contact. That's all 🙂
I would so do this, but that would be an excuse for them to make it into a big massive family argument 🙁 my sisters are all about the drama, they're like eastenders characters I swear. I guess I could limit them absolutely so they can't see my pics or posts or wall posts...
I'm extra annoyed to learn that my gran that I mentioned about a few weeks back who has cancer again, has had an operation, and no one told me. Like, at all. I asked the sisters to keep me informed of all changes (because they live in the same city, I live 2 hours away) and they failed to mention that gran had a big operation and that her cancer has spread 🙁 I got a text yesterday as an afterthought after I asked if she was still in much pain
My family is a joke 🙁 thank god for my husband and kiddies!
Glitter, I'm so sorry your family are being butt-heads. :(. This is why I prefer my friends. They're more my family than my blood relations. Mine all hate me and haven't spoken to me since I left America 13 years ago.
Glitterpix & CrazyBlueMe - you can't choose your relatives, and just because you love them, doesn't mean you have to like them! But you can choose the family you surround yourself with. ;D
got home from work just after 9 ish and i've just had some wine and i can tell i'm going to be walking death tomorrow for college! ;A;