Big hugs Momma, its always hard when anniversaries come round,no matter how long its been *hugs*
I've woken up crying my eyes at my dreams twice this week 🙁
The first dream was my mum being so horrible to me, I can't even remember what happened but it was really horrible.
And then last night/this morning I was dreaming that my grandma died all over again and now I'm awake I feel all crappy and I miss her loads 🙁
Big hugs Momma, its always hard when anniversaries come round,no matter how long its been *hugs*
Thank you, Sabby... and yes, the anniversaries are hard. The last few years have actually been pretty good... I mean, I always remember. But this year just seems harder. Different season in my life I suppose... makes me wonder even more what it'd be like if he were still here.
Martha, (((hugs)))... 🙁
so sorry Modified 🙁 I can't begin to imagine how hard that must be every year (hugs)
My moan is I am sick as a dog today. I planned on going out with the kids and then working on the shop all night, but I've got a really bad stomach bug 🙁
You know... my husband and I were just sitting here reflecting, and I think it dawned on me why this year might be more difficult than previous years have been. In the spring, my husband turns 39... so he and I are now the age my parents were when he passed... and our oldest son is the age I was when I lost my dad. *big puddle of tears* It almost feels like I'm looking at life through what were their eyes right now... it's a bit surreal. I'm okay, honest. Just feeling weighty over it all. Thanks for the thoughts... means a lot.
Glitter, I'm sorry you're sick. 🙁 I hope you feel better soon!
Big hugs Momma. The anniversary of my mom's passing is coming up and I'm dreading it. xxx
Glitter, I hope you're feeling better soon. xx
My moan is that I'm exhausted. Hubby left 4 weeks ago touring with his band, and won't be home until October 12th, and I've had to deal with the kids and everything else by myself with pretty much no break from it. And I'm exhausted. Physically and mentally. 🙁
My boyfriend and I moved out of my tiny apartment and into a beautiful 2br I found with a perfect office space for him to do his art about a month ago. He has been wrought with paranoid delusions ever since of me betraying him and worse.
I've been cracking under the stress. I got kicked out of Threepenny Opera, I no longer have any friends, my finances are dwindling and i have not the skills nor the health to work, and he took the in town only moving truck, packed up his stuff, and left while I was at his friends' house seeking insight about how to make things better.
I have absolutely no idea what to do. I don't have any family in town, and barely any way across the country. I have no one I can seek for help. I have nothing going on in my life to lift me or distract me. I really feel like there is no future for me. This place is big and scary and i have no place to call home.
Oh Actress... 🙁 So sorry you're feeling that way. I don't know where you live, but I can flit between Liverpool and Yorkshire, so if you're in those areas, I can meet you for coffee if you like. If you want to, feel free to PM me or email. Be happy to be your shoulder should you want it. I know it seems bleak now, but things will get better. xx
So sorry, Actress 🙁
Gah. I'm super hungry because I slept through breakfast, and EVERYTHING in my dad's house that doesn't have meat in it requires cooking. Therefore, breakfast = ciggies and mango juice 🙁
I'm really sorry, Actress. We're here if you need us x
Actress... 🙁 So very sorry to hear the troubles you're having. *hugs*
meeting at half 9 today. expected to last 2 hours and my shift started at 12 and finished at 5.
BUT, instead of having a chill after getting up at crack of dawn for the meeting before my shift starts, i get plunged straight into cutlery, then it was effing packed with people from 12 to about 2/3 it was horrendous there were 2 people running food until 1, then he had to do desserts, then at 4 a few other lasses came and the super effing lazy one did jack s*** as USUAL. omg.
my back and sides are in agony, i've felt sick and had a bellyache all day probably because there was no time for food ALL DAY. jesus i feel like death, come home and my brother is being loud, i get told off for asking him to shut up. then mum is standing behind me reading my fb messages to my friend and thinks i can't see. then she's telling me the reason i feel crap is because i'm "starving myself on purpose" ...........
just, go away. i'm going to get in the bath and hopefully evaporate.
Oh Actress, I hopre you're feeling better soon! 🙁
Poh, go and have a nice long bath, it always makes me feel about 100 times better. It's like pressing a pause button on life and just taking some time out, and I find it always helps me!
My moan is another dietary one. Absolutely fuming. People that know me away from this forum might be aware that I've cut out meat entirely, and am aiming to start a vegan diet as of tomorrow. I'm not totally sure how successful it's going to be, and I don't see it as a long term thing, but I'd like to at least spend 6-12 months completely animal free. I don't have the slightest problem with anyone eating meat or dairy and would never dream of commenting on other people's food (besides the obvious 'nom nom nom' 😛 ) I see it as a completely personal decision for my health, wellbeing and state of mind.
But my mum won't shut up about how bad it is for me and how I'm not going to get enough calcium and how I'm going to be lacking in everything etc etc. I can get my RDA of calcium from eating 4 slices of the bread that I buy, let alone other tasty foods like brocolli, quinoa etc which I eat tonnes of. It just really annoys me because I think it's really rude to comment on somebody else's dietary choices and aside from that it's just really misinformed and frustrating. If she had some solid research it might even be different, but she's just got all these misconceptions about things I'll be lacking in. Eurgh, it just makes me really angry, I've had an awful day at work and now she's just put me in a really bad mood over this.
Today's moan is that I feel old. I feel like I look old, too. I'm feeling as if people think I'm mutton dressed as lamb, and I can no longer 'pull-off' the bright hair, ink, way I dress. I just feel...old. 🙁
CrazyBlueMe, I bet you look fabulous. No one is too old to pull that look off.
I can't seem to lose anymore weight and it's really discouraging. I'm stuck at a 15 pound weight loss and no matter what I do, it doesn't seem to go down. 🙁