Starting to get a bit nervous...Bella has been glued to me for about 3 days now, even when Sam came home tonight when she would usually jump all over him she stayed with me nudging for a fuss. I keep being told that dogs have a heightened awareness which I know but that they can literally sense a matter of days before labour. Nervous nervous nervous!!
How long do you have left?
My good vibe is that my youngest starts primary school in sept and the class she's in next year is with the teacher we were hoping for 🙂 also I've lost weight and can now do sit ups again without messing up my back (I have joint problems) so I'm happy that I can tone up a bit more again!
Ooh well done!! And glad she's got into the class you were hoping for, my niece has a teacher this year who outright dislikes her (it's the second year she's had her) and she's gotten completely disinterested in school 🙁 hoping she'll get it back next term!
I'm 35 weeks now, so I'm hoping it means it's not too soon because the first usually comes late I've heard. We just walked the dog and I had to stop a couple times and Sam started jumping around like a small child because he thought I was in labour but I'm not convinced aha
Awh it's rubbish when there's a teacher you don't get along with. I had one when I was at school, we just didn't click!
Oooh so could be soon then! I dunno about the whole first child comes late, I guess it's just up to baby when it appears lol. Mine were both born right on 38weeks! I do think animals can sense things like that though. Take it easy! How exciting!
I'm feeling ok today. Which is brilliant as this morning I had tax issues and a health scare to sort out! One is sorted, the other is most likely not too bad thankfully.
Tomorrow we're off to central London for afternoon tea (for lunch, which I will stress is the best time to have afternoon tea!) at a quirky posh place!
Just look at this yummy spread!
I'm really looking forward too it now, even though I'm going with my boyfriend and meeting his work friends that I don't know!
Hope you're feeling okay Janine and enjoy afternoon tea!! That all looks sooooooooooo yummy!!
Wow, that looks incredible Janine. I'm jealous!
That looks yummy! Have a massive slice of cake for me! x
Over the last week I've been selling old clothes on ebay & I've made over £300! I've still got more to sell but i'll do them when i'm back in a week or so.
I've just finished work for a much needed 2 weeks off. Heading to mallorca for a week on Tuesday. Oh and having a hair trim today (ok that's maybe not such good news cos it's to take off the ends I've fried...!)
Feeling pretty good today. 8)
Roll on next Halloween!!
Roll on next Halloween!!
Roll on next Halloween!!
Haha the photo didn't upload with my post so that post looks very strange (although I do love Halloween)!! Sam's officially asked me to marry him now and we set the date as Halloween 2015 🙂
Halloween weddings are the best 🙂 are you having a theme? I
Well if I get my way everyone will be in fancy dress and very Halloweeny but I think Sam wants it more subtle. We did agree on purple and black colour scheme though which I think fits well 🙂