Aww that is brilliant, keep going to awesome gigs like that and your baby will grow up with great taste in music 🙂
Hopefully! It's you me at six next though...haha
Edit to add - the baby has started kicking today!! So exciting 🙂 Names picked, bump is getting bigger everyday, gender scan next week, nursery plans in our heads, everything is getting real!
How exciting, Deloria87! When are you due (sorry if this has already been asked somewhere before)?
Thanks Intemp! I'm due July 27th so I'm almost half way more watching One Born Every Minute and making myself cry!! haha I've spent the last 2 days hunting for dresses that aren't maternity so I don't look drowned (I'm very short) but that are still flattering for the three weddings I have before baby comes and I'm getting nowhere, considering a jump suit, hmmmm.
I had three compliments on my hair and one on my pistols t shirt. Made me happy as i was moaning that my pink was fading horrible this morning! *1*
got my tattoo!
got my tattoo!
It's SUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!
My awning is going up today
and the sun makes my hair look sooooo much brighter!!!
Happy happy!!
*1* *1* *1* *1* *1* *1* *1* *1* *1*
Hairs feeling a lot better since my bleach bath last week, its still breaking off in places but not to the alarming extent that it was. Think i got a hair cut and attacked it with reconstructors just in time so thats always a bonus. Now just to sort out the uneven colour somehow...
I cut my own hair last night and it's soooo much better! I've never cut it before, just trimmed the fringe but it went well!!
I am starting back at work next week!! Only part time at first but normality is on its way home 😀
Yay - good luck Tabitha 😀
We've started setting up the baby's nursery now, cot bed and the pram are up and the other furniture is ordered! We're trying to be nice and organised and spend an extra £5 a week when we do our weekly shop that would usually be wasted on sweets on baby things, so nappies and a stock of wet wipes, nappy bags, little bibs and stuff so it's starting to look like a nursery now 🙂 🙂 🙂
Also, after a disastrous week walking Bella (my beautiful and strong German Shepherd) my Dad came up yesterday and helped 'Army style' train her and this morning it was like walking a completely different dog, no pulling that makes me feel unbalanced or anything and she played ball very very nicely instead of barking and bouncing impatiently, so proud of her, definitely a step in the right direction for a baby safe doggy
ETA - Is it awful that after recording Bella today while we’ve been at work that I can now happily say to my neighbours “shut your stupid face she doesn’t bark when we’re out?” I’m literally happy dancing in my seat (I realise that both of these posts together make it look like I have a mental out of control dog, I assure you, I don't haha)
I ordered 2 CreaClips today, and it was only £8 from eBay!! ^.^
I have been hearing the birds chirp & seeing them land in the pond. So excited for spring. I ran around the house trying to find my camera to take a sunset photo (it was still in the truck) ran outside looking for birds and to my delight turned 180 and saw a Cow hehe. A baby cow escaped from a nearby farm and was coming to see me! Exciting. I was yelling at a neighbor with her dog look at the cow! Like I am 5 you know. Moo moo moo and moo moo moo.
I hope we get to see a review of the CreaClip (I want one).
Used the savers version of colour b4 and done a head and shoulders wash which has stripped LOADS of pink!! A good few more fades and hopefully i will only need one bleach bath! Now sat with coconut oil slathered in for the night ^_^ !!
I passed my driving test!
*1* *1* *1* *1* *1*