What sort of exercise do you do? and what sort of food do you eat?
I lost 2 stone and 1/2 lb but I put alot on at christmas and my birthday and just stayed the same inbetween and then put another 6lbs on but I'm back on it as of last week! I just lost the mindset!
You look super amazing!Thank you! I'm so proud!
It's at Lloyds Banking Group 🙂
Just got to wait back from my references and my credit check 😀
im a heavy walker, I walk everywhere. I do my back in sometimes due to it, but i enjoy it! :3 <3 Thanks, you can do it too.
and I kinda still eat everything, but really have cut down on super bad stuff..
and good day for me again. I just got a bath mat I wanted for ages. I know it suonds daft but i really was after it!! ( the bath mat with blood stains on it, its epic! )
It's my birthday today -- 35, eek! But that's not my happy, THIS is what's put a smile in my face. This is the picture we have on the front of our wedding invitations and its my second, beloved, Peter Smith print.
Thank you xxRaaxx!
Yes, it's in Sheffield and thank you, Raspberry 😀 I started looking mid-may! I'm really pleased! And my boyfriend got a job the same day! We're so lucky! We're going to wait about 3 months from our start dates to get past the probation while saving money and then get looking at houses 😀 We're looking at Crooks area, it's really nice and not too far from town and relatively close to where we're both working 🙂
It'll be nice because we'll be able to meet in Sheffield after our shifts in the week and we have similar shift patterns! 🙂 He slightly luckier than me, he only had to do one saturday a month whereas I have to do two! ;D But I'm so so so so so soooo happy 😀 They are amazing shifts! Right now, I'm doing 28 hours in 4 days and one shift is 10 and half hours!
I start on september 2nd 😀
I enjoy walking but I don't walk as oftern as I should. I only work 4 days a week so rest of the time I don't do much!
I got weighted last night at slimming world and I lost 5lbs! :O I nearly fell off the scales in shock! I had quite alot of alcohol at the weekend but I guess all the fruit and water helps compensate! 😀
Happy birthday FizzWhizz!!! 😀 Hope you had a great day 😀
Ahhh congrats! I lived in Crookes for 3 years. It's beaut up there (there's an amazing park which has an incredible overlooking view!) but the hills are absolutely killer. Whatever you do, don't go with Tapton Estates - that is if they're still going. I heard they were the worst! I had a private landlord who was some crazy lawyer so I avoided all that drama.
You've just reminded me that I really miss Sheffield. Homesick!
We visited it and it was gorgeous!
We'll have to get used to the hills! Aha!
I keep an ear out for it just incase 🙂
Aww bless!
I met my husband five years ago today 🙂 We always go for a meal in the restaurant where we had our first date, soppy old sods that we are 😀
awh that's lovely 🙂 happy anniversary! xx
Happy anniversary everyone!
Surfer's back in 2 days!
Happy anniversary littlepink!
Just saw The Wolverine, it was pretty good, but the post credit scene is one of the juciest Marvel has done 🙂
Yay for anniversaries!
I spent this afternoon with a cider in one hand and a drill in the other -- thankfully it wasn't as disastrous as it sounds. My birthday picture is on the wall as are two mirrors which have been hanging around forEVER. Feeling accomplished 🙂
Thank you, we4 didn't do much as hubby was finishing decorating our bedroom which is now blck and plum, and i had a mountain of ironing to get done, but we go away tomorrow until friday to sherwood forest with forest holidays for a nice break xx
boyfriend spent the weekend with me, we saw Pacific Rim and The Wolverine. Great movies, especially Pacific Rim.