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Baby Pine Tree

New Member Guest

This past Christmas, we finally got a little tree, a tiny 8-inch pine tree in soil.  I did insist on a live tree because I hate to get rid of the ones that have been cut from its roots after the holiday.  And now I'm determined to keep it alive.  It was doing so well for the first few months, but now it's not looking too happy.

Anyone got a green thumb?

Of course, temperatures warm up at this time of year, and what used to be a weekly watering has now become semi-weekly, but the needles are still turning brown.  It's been living in the kitchen next to a window, which is not the coolest of rooms, so I'm thinking of moving it to a cooler location (if I can find one!).  I also wonder if it would do better outdoors in a shady area at this time of year.  The UK isn't known for the best weather, so I wouldn't want it to get too much water outdoors if it starts raining incessantly or too much warmth if the summer becomes another hot one.

Thoughts welcomed, because I want our little pine to be around for next Christmas.

Thank you! :-*

Posted : May 4, 2014 10:20 pm
Famed Member Registered

Take it outside and leave it outside until as late as you possibly can before Xmas. They aren't indoor trees by any means, they grow in countries with super cold winters lol you shouldn't really have it indoors for more than a couple of weeks. I don't think it even needs a particularly shady area, just outdoors. I don't think its really about too much warmth, but maybe the amount of carbon dioxide in the air? Just guessing there, it's probably nothing like that at all.

Pines (actually, I have a feeling they might be conifers used here more often now I say pine, but they too) do pretty well here, just make sure its in a pot with a lot of drainage and too much rain shouldn't ever be an issue. If you're really worried though, just pop a bag over the soil if we get another really rainy period. Depending on what kind it is and what type of soil you have, you could even replant it outside. Some like acidic soils and some like chalky soils. I think the most common one we use here (for which I can not think of the name right now) prefers acidic. However, keeping it in the pot is probably easier, but if you haven't already, I'd put it in a larger one as the ones they come in are generally pretty small.

It's even possible you're over watering it in an attempt to save it, but being indoors will be the bigger issue.

Edit to add: I just read up on this a bit. It seems some pines commonly used for Xmas trees, so probably one like yours, grow when its warm. But they need rest periods, like winter, to stop themselves from burning out (as this person put it, they don't go totally dormant like deciduous trees though). So keeping it indoors all the time is too warm and it can't cope with it. I suspect it's not really this simple, but its a start! I think putting it outside would be the best thing to stop it growing enormous anyway. Most types can grow to 20 feet at least and don't stop at what we'd like to think of as Christmas tree height lol

Posted : May 5, 2014 6:44 am
New Member Guest

Thank you, Janine!

I hadn't even thought of carbon dioxide in the air, and that is a really good reason for not keeping it indoors.  And I agree that weather conditions probably shouldn't affect it too much because after all, it is meant to be an outdoor tree so it should probably be able to cope.

I did replant it just after Christmas, so the pot is about two-thirds its height, and there are a good few inches around the base, so I think it's got some room to grow.  I will start by putting it outside in the pot to see if it looks happier.  And - great advice too, to let it stay outdoors as late as possible before the holiday; then it can probably spend a few of the frostier months indoors and join the holiday festivities, hee hee.

Thanks so much! :-*

Posted : May 5, 2014 8:41 am
(@Wicked Pixie)
New Member Guest

We had potted Christmas trees, and tbh they never really thrived in pots. They only flourished when we 'set them free' and planted them in the garden.

Posted : May 5, 2014 11:10 am
Noble Member Registered

I have no advice, but just wanted to say I love pine trees! Hope it gets happier Alexia!

Posted : May 5, 2014 11:35 am
New Member Guest

I'm afraid that might be the case, Wicked Pixie... I'll keep an eye on 'im outside in the pot and see if he does any better.

Although it's a mini tree, Glitterpix, it does actually have a little pine scent. πŸ˜€

Posted : May 5, 2014 3:05 pm