Disclaimer: Please do not use this thread to post links or seller names of sellers on eBay who sell the same dyes as sold by Beeunique. This thread is to be used for reputable seller recommendations for haircare products/extensions/wigs, etc.
So we've all had the odd traumatic eBay experience where we've been sold a suspected counterfeit product or been sold something that doesn't add up to the description. To try to prevent more of us from wasting our money on things that aren't quite as they seem, this thread has been started for us to post recommendations of trusted and reputable eBay sellers who we have bought haircare products, extensions, wigs, etc from, and can safely say they sell the genuine products, sell good quality products and provide a good level of customer service. Once again, please do not post links to seller profiles or shops or recommend sellers who are selling the same dyes that Beeunique sells.
Here's one to start with: keratin at blondies - excellent customer service, quick dispatch, and good quality products.
Koozuland - I got the real human hair light blonde highlight extensions streaks to dye with my beeunique dyes and it worked! I was pleased cause you hear about people ordering real hair to dye but it doesn't. Delivery was super speedy too.
cosmetics-4uall - quick dispatch and always wraps bottles up safely in bubble wrap and tapes the caps, always has good quality reconstructors unlike a few ebay sellers who have been known to dilute their reconstructors, toners and dyes
anyone got a good place to buy some clip in streak/highlight type things? I don't have many shops nearby tbh, so this is something I just can't get locally, as much as I'd prefer to. It's just hard to know with clip ins or whatever from a pic!
Taking my recommendation back! Sorry