i am pondering another application i dunno if i can stand the smell but its not done a bad job i think i might take some pictures in the day light and put them up see what you think? i know i do need to bleach because i havent done my roots to white every time coz im lazy so its gonna need a bleaching to even out the brownish bits!
piccies are always good =) i've heard the smell is pretty bad, which makes me nervous about using it =s
it smells i thought my cat did it but it was the stuff on my head and it still smells after 10 mins of timed rinsing and naked hair mask 🙁
maybe try a white vinegar rinse? that smells as well, but slightly better as ling as you dilute enough
It does reek of sulphur : (
When I bleached my hair a day after it took all the sulphur fumes away (but from what I've heard I may have gotten lucky with my bleach not bringing colour back ... you're probably best to wait a few days).
i think i will be ok with the colour thing its all the semi permanent colours not sure it really removed much looking in the mirror today its faded but it just looks like i washed it lots which i kinda did lol i cant go out looking this colour so im gonna try a quick bleach bath see how i get on i got some toner and an emergency pink 😀
The smell is ridiculously bad!! However, it got rid of 95% of my turquoise so I can't complain 🙂
Heads up that you can buy this in Bodycare for £7 now.
what is bodycare!? i need to find this shop!
It's like a cheap superdrug/boots and places like that. I thought everyone had one!?!?
nope =( cambridge is to posh and kings lynn hasn't got one either =(
We`ve got a bodycare,i hardly ever go in though,might have a nosey next time im in town.
Ive never heard of bodycare O.O
Ooooh im going to go to bodycare and get a box to try and shift this manic panic blue :p better than bleaching, so its worth a try!
I got mine from a cheap superdrug/boots type place I can't remember what it's called now though, I need to stop being lazy and use it so I can get my hair sorted out my roots omg it's ahameful :-[