Wonderful stuff, is very handy when I dont have time to wash hair and also the less I shampoo the longer the dyes last on my hair. I can recommend this stuff enough and I use it every coupld of days and get away with washing my hair about once a week instead of every couple of days as before. The only downside is I have to buy it in bulk as shops seem to run out alot or just not sell it.
I've used this too and swear by it. It makes hair feel and look clean and only difference from normal washing is a slight powdery feeling but you cant see that when on the hair. Combs out easy and like poster above I tend to only wash my hair about once a week now. The one I use is called 'blush' and has such a nice fragrance on the hair but I would not recommend this one if you are wearing a strong perfume or for guys (better with the unperformed version). I found not many shops sell it but Morrissons have it for about £2 normally.
superdrug had it on offer before xmas and sell the small handbag sized one and the large one...i've loved dry shampoo for ages 😀
Oohh did not know there was a little handbag size one - will nip into Superdrug tomo to see if they still have it. Thanks 😀
absolutely brill, great for festivals...and for the mornings when you shower the night before and you hair decides to be greasy for no reason by the next morning!
Batiste Dry Shampoo, I met you in Barcelona 4 years ago and it's been love ever since <3
You make sleeping in so much easier! 🙂
Might just buy it thanks xo
i love the boho one (or hobo as my fiance calls it) i find if you have darker hair using a bristle brush stops it looking powdery
I've never tried dry shampoo because I keep thinking it will be super obvious in my dark hair... but thanks for the tip about the brushes, Luna_poppet...
Batiste... perhaps I shall try that first!
Can anyone post a pic of this....the dry shampoos i have used have been a disaster!
I tried a lee stafford one, was £4ish and left the powder stuck to my hair!! Had to rush and wash it out!
It would really help me out as i have to wash it everyday coz its so greasy at the roots, but my ends are so dry and so the colour fades!
Hi, if you mean a pic of what the sprays look like then here is one:
(these are the little travel size ones but the larger ones look the same style)
If you meant a pic of the shampoo on the hair I don't have any but it does not look powdery when on and makes your hair feel like talc is on it but you cant see anything on the hair. Feels very fluffy and light and makes me want to keep touching it (but i'm a hair fiddler anyway thats why I need to wash hair alot and use this dry shampoo lol)
oh i think i've seen these! Will have to invest in one. Yes i'm always touching my hair and face.....look proper greasy!
also they now do one for dark hair, which looks quite good x
thats good, maybe its a darker powder? I know they do coloured dry shampoos in america, not sure about UK
I am addicted to this. I use tropical because almost everything I use smells of either coconut or vanilla. Mmmm.