Hi! So yesterday I went to a salon to get my hair dyed platinum blonde. She managed to get it to what looked like a nice blonde, then the toner she added reacted badly with the light color and made my hair more gray. But she said it would wash out over time. Today I did the lemon juice/conditioner treatment on it and managed to get the gray out so now it's just bright white.
I don't blame the stylist because I did ask for platinum, but I look kind of like a hip grandma now, so I was wondering if there's a way to make it more subtley blonde using shampoos or something (it doesn't have to be blonde blonde exactly, I'd just like a tiny hint of yellow). I know bleached hair is supposed to get kind of brassy over time so I was wondering if that would help, or if there's a such thing as bleaching it to the point of being only white and the only way to get it even slightly more blonde is by dying it.
Anyway, I attached a pic of what it looks like now (my hair is the pic with no face showing) and of the blonde I'd hopefully be able to go to. (I know Katy Perry's is a little darker which might not be achievable but I'd even be happy with the very subtle yellow tint of the other girl's)
As she said, the toner will wash out. Just keep washing it.
Yes, there is such a thing as hair bleached to white, but if it wasn't that colour before she toned then it then it should be fine.