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What went wrong? Green hair after bleaching!

New Member Guest

Well... I think I might have just had my first bleaching nightmare.

I first bleached it a little while ago over my darkly dyed hair to lighten the base, then redyed over that. However a few days ago I pulled all the dye out with Colour B4 and I was left with banana yellow locks! I was struck with inspiration; maybe I could go a lovely silvery blonde?

So I bleached again today to even things out. I added shampoo like last time to make it a bleach bath and slathered it on. I washed it out and my hair has been tinted an awful green!  *ott*

Now, I've a few theories as to why it happened but I'd like you guys' opinions. One: the shampoo added was green. This seems like the most obvious one to me, but I'm absolutely baffled... How could it do that? Now that I think about it, it was probably a bad idea...

I also noticed a slight green tinge before I did any of the hair stuff today and so I'm wondering if the purple shampoo I used last night (Daddy-o from LUSH) had something in it that reacted with the dye? God, I don't know... I might try Colour B4 again to see if it pulls out the green, but I have a feeling that the mermaid-y tones that I have been flirting with for a while might just become a reality. :

Posted : November 8, 2017 8:00 pm
Famed Member Registered

What colour was your hair before the colourb4?

Hair that's got a purple tone often goes green when it's bleached because the bleach can often pull out the pink tones but not the blues. Blues mixed with yellow base makes green. It's probable that the colourb4 reoxidised the dye and then bleached it but left any blue tones.

It's more likely than the shampoo being the cause to be honest.

I would go with it and go for the mermaid colours. Going silver is a nightmare with stained hair.

Posted : November 9, 2017 7:11 am
New Member Guest

What colour was your hair before the colourb4?

Hair that's got a purple tone often goes green when it's bleached because the bleach can often pull out the pink tones but not the blues. Blues mixed with yellow base makes green. It's probable that the colourb4 reoxidised the dye and then bleached it but left any blue tones.

It's more likely than the shampoo being the cause to be honest.

I would go with it and go for the mermaid colours. Going silver is a nightmare with stained hair.

It was a quite dark pinkish red, although it was a bit of a murky/dull colour at the time due to fading. That would have been residual pink tones if anything... I'm going to get some Colour B4 today and see if it pulls out the green. What's also weird is that the colour is in sort of a gradient; it's light blonde at the top and progressively gets more green. *stars*

Posted : November 9, 2017 9:32 am
Famed Member Registered

Sounds like there was blue in there, you'd be amazed which colours have blue in them. It would also account for it going a bit dull and murky.

There's several reasons it has a gradient and it could be all or a few.

The reasons include

build up of colour towards the end, either because of using dyes over time or the hair at the ends being more damaged (which they always are because of daily wear and tear) so pulling in more of the colour but not letting it go

staining can be worse on the ends because of damage, blue stains quite eaily

The heat of your head makes bleach work faster, so it lightens more towards your head

It's frustrating that you'll often not know the actual cause for lots of hair things!

You can try colourb4 again, but I can tell you from my and others experience, it's not likely to pull out much more of that colour. Bleach isn't likely to do it either, well, without destroying your hair.

Posted : November 9, 2017 11:59 am
New Member Guest

I'm not so sure about the Colour B4 not working! The first time I used it I was so impressed with the sheer amount of dye it pulled out. Decolour in comparison was just awful  πŸ˜› I'm currently sitting with it on my hair now and the green is disappearing as we type! I know not to get my hopes up, but this could work out.

Posted : November 9, 2017 12:32 pm
Famed Member Registered

I hope it does πŸ™‚ I said, it's not likely, but that doesn't mean it won't. I should have added, do try it, but be prepared for disappointment πŸ™‚

Just do not use anything for at least a week afterwards as it's reoxidised once already, it's likely to again. Do a few long, hot as you can stand washes with clarifying shampoo as well. Try to get as much as possible of that pigment out that's been shrunk.

Posted : November 9, 2017 1:25 pm
New Member Guest

Did the colour b4 work? I have the same problem πŸ™

Posted : February 25, 2018 4:37 pm