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what should i be looking for?

Trusted Member Registered

About a week ago i did a bleach bath strand test. I'm now waiting a month to see if any damage pops up. As yet it's looking good, was a bit dry straight after but some mayo and overnight conditioning sorted that!
Just wondering what i should be on the lookout for, should i get a trim before or after the bleach?
Is there anything else I should be doing to prepare my hair if the strand test holds up? I co wash and there are no cones in anything i use so i know there's no hidden damage lurking. Also i hardly ever use heat now, just stick it up in a bun lol!
Any pointers very welcome!!

Topic starter Posted : March 10, 2014 5:43 pm
New Member Guest

I'm not sure if a bleach bath strand test would show that 'possible future bleach damage' that your normal hair would, only because you tend to wash and brush and process your normal hair regularly, and a strand test would probably sit there. πŸ™‚  I don't know, I've never tried it.

Personally I would suggest getting a trim after the bleach.  Sounds like your hair is in good condition otherwise, and cone-free, so you would probably not get any surprises after you do the full bleach bath.  A good trimming following the treatment would get rid of any split ends or dryness that is caused by the bleach.

Preparation before?  Coconut oil, of course. πŸ˜€

Posted : March 11, 2014 9:27 am
Famed Member Registered

I was under the assumption that the strand test was on your head, in which case monitoring it for damage is the right way to go.  If it's set to one side, though, it won't really do much, like Alexia said, because it's not being exposed to weathering like the hair on your head is.

Always trim after bleaching to get rid of damage along the ends--no point in trimming before a bleach unless your ends are really dry and damaged, because bleach can make the damage travel further up the shaft than it would on healthier ends.

If the strand test is on your head, watch for stretchiness/gumminess when wet and feeling crispy/frayed when dry.

Posted : March 11, 2014 12:41 pm
(@Wicked Pixie)
New Member Guest

If the strand test is a cut one, I like to bleach it repeatedly to see how much it can take before it is fried. It is often surprising how a hair can feel reasonably healthy but just another 10 mins of bleach can cause it to be destroyed.

Posted : March 11, 2014 2:34 pm
Trusted Member Registered

Its still on my head lol! Really don't want to snip any more out!!
Its right on top in the middle too so its in the most prominent place. (had to dye it blue so it looked kinda intentional!) it feels ok at the moment, just the same as the rest really but its only been a week or so. May even run my straightners over it, see what happens!!
Thanks for the info, will definitely be coconut oiling before hand, best thing ever!!!! *1*

Topic starter Posted : March 11, 2014 5:32 pm