I had a lovely blue mane for many years, but sadly I became completely allergic to hair bleach. Within minutes I was dangerously swollen and collapsing the last time I had bleach on my hair which was two years ago now. I have had extensions put in that I can dye green, but my natural hair is very dark brown and i've decided i'd really like to go bright ginger. Is there a type of dye that will be bright red/ginger that doesn't contain the stuff i'll be allergic to? I'm scared i'll die from dye!
Henna would add a coppery shine to your hair.
Do you know if the allergic response is from skin contact or the fumes? (or both?)
Have you had the allergy tested / diagnosed by a dermatologist?
Well the first time I had a reaction I went to get allergy testing and it showed nothing, so I thought i'd be fine. I had two more bleaches and the second to last one I had a creeping red rash from my my head and felt really poorly for a couple of days so I thought I should give another bleach a miss. However, I went to the hairdresser and even though I told them I was allergic to the ammonia bleach they slapped it on anyway. Within seconds I was swelling up, so I definitely don't want to risk it again. I hate having half 'normal' hair though. Hennah is a nice ginger but i'm scared of that as well. Is it allergen free? As i've heard it sensitises people too.
The only way you can tell is through a patch test. There’s no way we can advise what you might be allerigic to. You/hairdressers should ALWAYS do a patch test anyway, it’s disgusting most don’t now and I’m sorry that happened to you. Before you use anything on your head. Henna has is one of the least likely to cause a reaction, but we can’t say it won’t.
This video shows how to do it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gr-3S3xF9uQ it’s super simple, but crucial. This is with a dye mixed with peroxide, but it’s the same for basically anything. The moment you get anything more than a slight tingle wash it off and don’t use the product again.
Hennah is a nice ginger but i'm scared of that as well. Is it allergen free? As i've heard it sensitises people too.
Impossible to say if it's allergen free unless you know what exactly you're allergic to. You can also develop a sensitivity to virtually anything, any time. This is why it's VITAL to do a patch test Every Single Time you use hair bleach for example.
Find a henna supplier, if you're in the UK try Lush's henna hair blocks, contact them and ask for a small sample to allow you to perform a skin patch test.
I get really annoyed by products claiming to be hypoallergenic or allergen free because not everyone is allergic to the same things.
Take latex as an example - latex is now a very common allergen / sensitising substance. It's also common to see "latex free" replacement products (like gloves, condoms and sticky plasters / dressings). Label it "latex free" and I'm happy. I am not happy is when a product is labelled "allergen free / non allergy / etc" because latex is not an allergen for me. The chemicals used to speed up the polymerisation process are my allergens and they're also found in many latex-free rubbery items. Although those chemicals are also starting to be recognised as sensitisers / allergens and so I've seen "accelerator free" rubber gloves.
/ dismounts soapbox 😛