I go to the hairdressers for highlights every 8 weeks or so. On occassions different hairdressers have made a horrible mess of my hair, leaving me with blunt, visible lines. I cant wear my hair up or anything and hate going out as I dont want people to see my hair. What are these women doing to my hair I would like to know. What are they doing wrong? I have been to hairdressers who dont leave these lines in my hair.
If you have paid for a service and you are unhappy with it you should go back to the salon and tell them.
It looks like the lines are just where the foils are sitting, so next time they can lay the foils at a different angle to blend it better
They expect the bleach to expand and blend into the roots but i think they either put it too far or theres not enough product to expand enough.
I would suspect it's a combination of both.
I bet no one else would even notice it if you put your hair up. Unless you point it out to them.
These pictures dont show the full extent. My natural hair is quite dark and I have these lines in the hair down the side of my face, If I scoop my harir back it looks really bad.
I dont go to hairdressers for dye, but I would definitely go back and show them what you arent happy with.
BAD foiling, I think they have used too much product also taken sections too thick. I would'nt be going back *devil*
The foils are "bleeding" meaning they are applying to much product right near the root and as the bleach expands it leaks out of the foil coloring the in between hair too leaving a more solid line of color. When you get a stylist whom does not do this request them every time to do your hair become a regular.