Hair Dye Forum

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I have tried using manic panic violet with conditioner to tone my hair. I finally put too much dye in and now my hair is purple in some parts. How can I get this out? Will it wash out with shampoo in a few weeks? Or should I do a bleach bath? Another question is that I still feel like some parts of my hair have a little bit of red (my bleach job wasn't totally even :-() Do I need blue dye to help for this?

Posted : December 30, 2016 5:58 am
Reputable Member Registered

The purple will fade out with washing, or other fading methods if you're in a hurry.

Was the red from previous dye?  Did you use a colour remover?
Can you post a picture?

Posted : December 30, 2016 9:39 am
New Member Guest

Here are two pictures. I feel like the purple dye only took to parts, mainly in the front, perhaps it's because those were more bleached areas, or maybe I didn't do and even job with the dye.

I think the red is just natural in my hair when I bleach it. I'm wondering if the violet wont tone that out, if I ought to get some blue dye? Or maybe I'll bleach bath the hair that still has some red in it. By the way, is it okay to use water instead of shampoo to dilute for the bleach bath?

I'm thinking that maybe the hair at my scalp bleached faster because it was warmer?

Posted : December 31, 2016 5:42 am
Famed Member Registered

So how did you get to where you are now and what did you have before?

It's not light enough too tome with violet and, yes, orange tones need blue not violet. It won't give you white though, if that's what you're aiming for.

Posted : December 31, 2016 8:36 am
New Member Guest

I used to dye my hair a reddish brown, but that was such a long time ago, i'm thinking that has long washed out or grown out. I've bleached my hair several times, but at short times. My natural hair color is brown. I'm not really aiming for white hair. Not even a platinum blond really.

Can mix blue dye with conditioner to try to tone out the red? I'm a bit torn, I'm thinking about trying to lighten the back sections to be as light as the front, what do you think?

Manic panic has a few blues, would you recommend after midnight, shocking blue, blue steel, blue moon or rockabilly blue?

Posted : December 31, 2016 9:00 am
New Member Guest

Okay so nobody has replied to my email. In the meantime I bought some blue and violet dye to mix with conditioner. Unfortunately what I got was some parts didn't seem to tone and there are now subtle blue streaks in my hair. I thought I had applied it evenly but perhaps I did not. I read somewhere that if you do less dye over time you will avoid the color and have more even toning, do you guys agree? Would an alternative be to get some blond hair dye and dye it?

Posted : January 3, 2017 11:52 pm
Noble Member Registered

The problem here is that when using the opposite colour to neutralise orange tones is that if the orange is too dark you will end up neutralising it to brown rather than blonde, it may be that the darker parts of your hair are toning to be a more neutral shade, but are not light enough for this to be a shade of blonde.

It is really hard to advise you what to do next as you haven't really said what you want to achieve or what you have previously done to your hair.

If your hair was dyed reddish brown with a permanent dye, and the hair that was dyed has not been cut off then it will still be in your hair even if it has faded. You could try a colour remover but if you have bleached your hair over the dye already it may have stained and this might not work.

Posted : January 4, 2017 11:47 am
Famed Member Registered

Yeah, mid way down the hair looks like classic red staining to me. It is difficult to really tell though what you actually have as the lighting is a little strange in your photos, I think because it's behind you the back of the photo is blown out and it's making your hair look like there's vaseline on the camera lens!

Posted : January 4, 2017 6:05 pm
Reputable Member Registered

You said that you use to dye your hair reddish brown, so im thinking that the staining we are seeing could potentially be from that hair dye, I use to do the same color when I had long hair and even after completely changing colors I went to bleach my hair and that red hair dye came back to bite me, especially if you have bleached multiple times since then, it could have driven the color so far into the hair shaft that it might be impossible to get out. But if your willing to try a few things I would start with a color remover, if nothing else its just going to help remove some of the staining, and its a much safer option than trying to bleach the red bits out. Then see what your left with, if you can get rid of the red staining you could probably just tone and be okay, or worse case would be doing a mild bleach bath afterwards, but I would seriously try a color remover and just see what happens. Its not going to damage your hair, just dry it out a little, so I usually do a really moisturizing hair mask after. Even if the color remover does nothing at least you haven't made the problem worse by bleaching or adding more dye, but then we will have more suggestions on what to do next.

Posted : January 5, 2017 5:49 pm