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Toner question

Eminent Member Registered

I touched up my roots last night and want to tone them with my Wella toner. However, my hair tones SUPER fast, faster than I can apply it to my all roots.

nine weeks ago was the first time I toned my hair, so I did it all over. Would it be horribly damaging to apply to my whole head again, since that is easier/faster for me than applying it to just the outgrowth?

I'm not too worried about what color my pink (my hair is mostly strawberry milk colored, I just have blonde bangs) will turn out with toner over it. I'm just worried about damage to my hair, since I'm trying to grow my hair out and grow it out the right way.

Topic starter Posted : March 6, 2014 7:34 pm
Prominent Member Registered

If you keep applying it to the whole length you will get damage from it.

If it tones very quickly, try doing it in 2 or 3 sections at a time to keep the results even. What vol are you using with it? Are you using 20 to help lift it a bit more and tone or are you just using 10? Have you tried toning it with a  violet colored shampoo or semi + conditioner toner? I'd worry too that if you were to put it over your lengths again it may change your pale pink to more of a lilac or something.

Posted : March 6, 2014 7:46 pm
Eminent Member Registered

the Sally's by me only had 20 and 40 vol, so I use the 20. I do have a shampoo & conditioner, but it's only good for touch ups, after I've used a toner.

Topic starter Posted : March 6, 2014 7:51 pm