So my friend came over. She's currently got lovely black and raspberry hair, been doing this 20 years or so from home. I've seen her with probably 20 different hairstyles, so I'm thinking yeah she knows what she's doing.. oh my god was I so very very wrong.
We decided to bleach my hair platinum. This should have been easy to do since my hair is naturally level 7/8 and hasn't been dyed in like a year.
After a 30minute coconut oil treatment, We went to walgreens and picked up two boxes of loreal Feria extreme platinum. It has 4 things in the box, a developer bottle, a shimmer additive, the powdered bleach packet and a conditioner.
I sectioned my hair and she *mixed* the bleach in another room. Only she didnt. She mixed the developer with the shimmer additive and did not add the bleach powder at all. Apparently she was so confident she knew what she was doing not only did she ignore the directions but she didn't bother to read the labels on the products she was mixing... ๐ฎ
So we do foils to bleach out the last deposit from a year ago where I had some reddish auburn faded yuckiness to deal with. She starts at the back of my head. She gets that, and the left side of my head done before she's facing the mirror where I can see what she's doing. Of course I notice like immediately that the dye is clear and not blue or white like I'm used to seeing. I ask her if she's sure she mixed it right. She gets like offended and says it's just how the dye looks.
She finishes the left side, we go to do the roots. She starts on the roots, gets through the back and the right side of my head and then says 'oh crap we ran out'... your kidding me right?! No. Its never taken more than two before? So we mad dash to the store.
This time I mix the bleach, and sure as snow, it's different. A lot different. So I go looking for the boxes of the two boxes we already put in my hair. I find the two bleach packets still in them.
She tells me she thought the packets clearly marked 'bleach powder' were conditioner. Powdered conditioner. Riiiight. And the conditioner still left in there? 'I dunno' :beyond fumed:
So my hair sat for an hour with box developer on it, with no bleach. My scalp is beyond angry from just the 20 minutes or so it sat there before I noticed this disaster.
My hair for some reason seems to have bleached to neon yellow where the foils were touching it, but not anywhere else. The left quadrant of my head's roots didn't get any product so they stayed ash blonde while the midshaft and lengths lightened maybe 1 or 2 levels. Same with the right side, and it's roots. It's a patchwork of neon yellow, ash blonde, reddish outgrow on the lengths and two different root colors. The pics explain it better.
So basically, I'm trying to figure out.
1) how do I even all the different colors back out? Is there a technique for this?
2)how damaging is just developer? It does feel a lot worse but I don't know if it's a bad idea to try to correct it or not.
3)if I should wait, how long should I wait before trying to fix this? I'm willing to suffer with cheetah hair for a while if it means I don't break it.
Any help is appreciated.
*edit* I have attached a pic of what I have here to fix this with. I live in Alaska and I do not have access to a Sally's nor do I have a competent salon anywhere nearby. I have a walmart, fred Meyers, safe way and a hippie shop where I got the Arctic fox purple rain and arctic mist from. Otherwise, I have to purchase supplies online at great shipping expense, IF the sellers are willing to ship to me at all.
This is why i always do it myself. Its a shame that she didnt double check what she was mixing and she should be getting annoyed as it was her mistake.
The only way to fix this is to spot bleach the darker areas, really carefully to ensure you dont over bleach and the color matches the rest. The reason the roots got blonder is because of the heat from your scalp. Heat accelerates the process. I would wait a couple of weeks to stop the hair from getting too damaged and making sure you put the coconut oil beforehand again.
You should pick out the darker parts and bleach them, but be careful not to overlap the bleach onto the lighter sections or you wont get even color.
The developer is also damaging but not as much as the bleach as it doesnt pull as much pigment out. However, it is probably more drying for that same reason. you should condition your hair and maybe use a reconstructor before trying to bleach again.
I've decided to let it rest, at least two weeks to a month. My scalp is still burning from it 4 days later, which i take as a bad sign. So at least until that stops hurting. I'm not a glutton for pain, so Chem burns... not so much. I also forgot that my hair may be protein sensitive so maybe the coconut oil wasn't the greatest idea.
When I put my hair up into a ponytail you can't really see how awkward it is, so its not sooo bad. during this time I'm going to try to figure out the best options for fixing the condition as well as the color.
1) Been thinking about buying an olaplex kit, super spendy but do you guys think it would be worth it?
2) Should I try to bleach out the red line again? that was the whole purpose of this failed bleach attempt, to get rid of the red deposit that was growing out. Is there a better way to do this?
My original thoughts were to bleach the crud out of it, then tone whatever left with arctic fox purple rain mixed into arctic mist dilutor.
P.s. I've also done one treatment of color oops! (It's like color b4) to get rid of this red line, which i followed the directions to the T, and it not only fried my hair but left it wreeeking of rotten eggs for literally months. So I'm hesitant to do that process again, unless you guys know of a not-so-damaging, completely not sulfur smelling version on the market.
So what do you guys think?
You can use Colorfix, its a lot less drying than Color Oops but still has a slight sulfur smell but nothing compared to Color oops. That stuff is absolute crap and needs to be taken off the market. But try the colorfix you can do it up to 3 times and that should remove the red and if there's anything left than that's just staining from the red dye.