Can anyone recommend a silver toner or hair color they have used and had good results from it ?
I am having my hair cut short so the condition when cut should be good, I have lightened my roots 2 weeks ago so really want ash / silver blonde color.
I havent found a toner to suit, I am quite happy to do an all over colour.
I really like directions silver dye. Also bonacure silver shampoo is excellent!
Pravana silver
Has anyone ever tried Roux fanci-full rinse in Silver lining ??
I really like directions silver dye. Also bonacure silver shampoo is excellent!
I have bought Bonacure shampoo, I find it dries my hair out if left on for more than 10 minutes.
I second Pravana Silver
I'm also curious if anyone has tried roux fanci-full
I second Pravana Silver
I'm also curious if anyone has tried roux fanci-full
Seen quite a few youtube videos of Roux fanci full.
I second Pravana Silver
I'm also curious if anyone has tried roux fanci-full
Seen quite a few youtube videos of Roux fanci full.
I've seen some YouTube videos too, but I was hoping to get some first hand experiences from you lot on this forum. It's a little expensive so I'd rather not buy it unless I know how good it is.
For the same price you can get a tube of Pravana, which will last a lot longer on the hair. Those mousses are literally was in wash out, designed to only last one shampoo.
Key words I take in when I looked at the roux fanci-full page on Amazon. Temporary and rinse. Either of those words means it's designed to last one wash only.
Oh yeah I realise it's one wash, but I was actually wondering if it would be a good option if you needed a hair colour for one day. For example if you wanted to try out silver hair, or if you wanted natural hair for an occasion. Or say if I bleached my hair up to the platinum blonde stage and wanted a slightly darker blonde for a little while, I was wondering if I could use a blonde roux fanci-full or something.
I didn't actually mean it in turns of an actual toner. I just wanted to know what it was like as a temporary product since it was mentioned. I realise what I said is a little of topic.