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Safely bleaching away dye stains?

New Member Guest

So, for the past year or so, I've been dying my hair with various shades of deep red. I've basically just been redying the whole thing whenever the roots get long enough to annoy me (maybe an inch at most) and I always keep it in a short layered bob. Then I had to switch to brown because the boss at my summer job wanted natural hair colors. I used a more expensive dye than usual, like 15 dollars, idk. so, anyways, now I bleached it so I could dye it something purple, and the brown dye won't absorb the bleach very well, i guess. So my natural light red roots were a nice platinum color, but there's some random streaks of orange. Should I bleach it again, or use an ash blonde toner? (I've bleached it twice while using coconut oil, and there's really no damage.)

Posted : July 25, 2015 3:25 am
Famed Member Registered

You should have used a colour remover, not bleach. There's probably damage that you can't feel yet, and there definitely is damage, it can take a while to show I'm afraid. You can still try a colour remover, but as the cuticle is probably stained, then it's not likely to come off fully.

However, you don't need a very pale base for purple. You can usually can a good purple over orange, even uneven streaks, and get a good result. It'll even add to a nice multi tonal effect.

Posted : July 25, 2015 5:04 am
Prominent Member Registered

I agree, I would still use a color remover. And if you had any direct dyes in your hair do fading treatments too. Then if need be you can try to lighten, but do test strand it first to make sure it'll actually budge and it's not just wasted damage.

I would consider getting some Olaplex from a salon, a bottle of Olaplex No3 to repair your damage soon before any damage really starts to show up. Damage typically happens in 2 steps, first the disulfide bond breaks, but it takes time for those broken disulfide bonds to negatively arrange. The initial break you can't really feel the full extent of the damage, it's when it negatively arranges later in time that you really can feel the full extent of that damage. Olaplex helps stop that 2nd, negative arrangement from happening by cross linking the bonds back to their naturally occurring, positive arrangement.

Special Effects Deep Purple is very forgiving over darker bases, it has amazing coverage and it's highly pigmented. If your hair is stained, darker, uneven, or all of these, it's a very flattering, forgiving color to use. It's very pink based which works best over darker bases. I would avoid blue bases like most Violets. Except Arctic Fox Violet Dream is very pink based, where as their Purple Rain is blue based. With most hair color, the bases are usually reversed. Purples are typically Warmer and pink or red based, whereas violets are more blue based. Punky Color Plum would also be a good option, Manic Panic Deep Purple Dream, or mixing a violet with a cooler pink.

Posted : July 25, 2015 4:52 pm