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Possible hair staining and good white toners

New Member Guest

Hello  ;D

I am a naturally dark brown haired girl who has been on a four month journey (so far) to go platinum blonde. I've done a lot of research and have taken great care of my hair, resting it between bleaching and used a combination of coconut oil, hair masks, Kerastase etc to keep it in good shape. It's also not virgin hair, I've been dying it black for 7 years or so. I accepted that it's going to be pretty hard to get Platinum if not impossible. In total it's been bleached over 13 times over the past four months which is more than enough. Plus one session of a colour remover which didn't do a lot. It's in fantastic shape considering and I won't be doing any bleaching for a long time again whilst it has a well-deserved rest.

Right now it is ultra light blonde with tons of yellow and pale orange on some of the ends. This orangey tone is probably stained from dye - if this is the case, will it come out? I've noticed with Jerome Russell's Iced Platinum toner and Argan Blonde's Silverising Shampoo it goes darker orange at the ends. The Directions white toner does a lot better and that's gotten 3/4 of my hair a mixture of white and light blonde. The rest is yellow with that nasty brassy orange at the ends. The Orange fades out slowly each time with bleaching but otherwise it is not going out without a fight. I've cut most of the Orange out and am now sporting a cheeky bob but can't cut all of that yellow and orange. Is there a stronger toner than Directions or Jerome Russell? Which purple/silver shampoos will be best for my hair without making the Orange darker?

When it was a darker ginger a month ago, I used the 8A Natural Medium Ash Blonde by Nice N Easy, it did a good job but the Orange ends were still visible instead in a kind of red... For this reason I'm wary of dying it an ash colour again in case it will still show up. Plus, isn't it just going to add to the problem of stained hair? (If it is stained, that is) does anybody have any ideas?

Peace out x

Posted : December 24, 2016 12:25 am
New Member Guest

Hi Rubyred,

I'm afraid I don't have an answer to your question, but on reading it sounded just like where I am at the moment. I've been going from black to platinum, but only because I am naturally totally grey/white and I'm fed up with the roots. After several colour removers and a couple of bleach treatments, I've got to the same stage where it's quite white for a couple of inches around the roots and the rest is the orangey tone you describe, but mine is quite patchy.

So I've tried putting on l'oreal extreme platinum and the Scott Cornwall and Jerome Russell iced platinum toners but seem to have got to a stage now where nothing is having any effect, it just won't lift anymore and I'm at the stage where it's just about fried, I daren't put anything on it anymore as every time I wash it turns to cotton candy, but recovers enough if I treat it with a lot of TLC.

The only advice I can give is that I've heard that using coconut oil as a pre-treatment for bleaching or colouring helps protect the hair and a clarifying shampoo can help fade out any remaining colour. Not sure how effective they are but I'll be trying that but I'm trying to avoid getting my hair wet for as long as I can stand. 

Good luck πŸ™‚

Posted : December 25, 2016 9:22 pm
New Member Guest

Hi LoriCor and a (belated) merry christmas πŸ™‚

I can understand how you'd be fed up of the roots growing back! Your situation does sound eerily similar, I can't stand feeling the hope you have before bleaching or toning and thinking: 'maybe this time will get rid of it/most of it'. Then finding it still a mess when it dries.

I went against the decision to wait any longer and did another 2 lots of bleaching (one with the coconut oil) and finished it off with a little trim. I've reached a point now where I can wear it down and not feel self-conscious. I think it is possible to bleach out stubborn orange patches if your hair can take it but it's extremely risky and I personally felt better dealing with short hair than possibly losing it altogether. Good luck with your hair, I hope it works out for you x

Posted : December 26, 2016 11:28 pm
Famed Member Registered

I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner, somehow it got hidden from me.

I'm mostly sorry though that I didn't catch you before doing two bleaching sessions πŸ™ (Well, I'm sad you did 13 bleaching sessions before that as well!)

Bleach just isn't made to remove staining and it's not all that effective at it. Especially when it's repeated dying and black.

I don't think you're going to like my advice, which at the moment is just stop. Stop doing anything and see what damage has been done. I think you are very likely going to have to have a lot cut off and go very short. bleached 15 times in 4 months is too much for any hair to stand. You might be lucky if you used a very low volume or didn't leave it on for long, but the odds are stacked very high against it I'm afraid πŸ™ The biggest problem is, the damage can go up the hair even to healthy hair if you're really unlucky.

If this ever happens again, you need to start with colour remover. That will remove as much of the old dye as it can. Then you can work on the staining. As I say, bleach isn't made to remove staining, as you've found, it can. But it's really ineffective at it and you probably could have avoided many of the bleachings. Added to that, you would have been better doing bleach baths. That's bleach diluted with shampoo or conditioner. It might take a little longer, but you can more safely do it more often. Using toning with direct dyes (like manic panic or directions) (purple for yellow, blue for orange diluted with conditioner would have helped in the in between. 

Posted : December 28, 2016 10:23 am