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They won't last long. You just have to do it when it's needed. It doesn't take long to tone though, it's just a bit like doing a deep conditioning treatment. No forms of toning last long though, as you've found, because of that you want to make sure it's doing the least damage possible.

Posted : April 23, 2017 8:39 am
Noble Member Registered

Oh no! It isn't going very well for you at all is it? I would definitely think that Olive Oil could give a greeny gold tone in hair though, it is a really strongly coloured product, it's not something I would have taken into consideration had nobody mentioned it though, I think it's a very easy mistake to make!

I hope you have some luck getting it out of your hair, like Janine says toning with a super diluted pinky purple in your conditioner should help but do start with the absolute minimum of colour and work your way up.

If your hair is porous enough to be grabbing colour from oil treatments then you may find you have to tone more frequently no matter what you use, annoyingly the same thing that can cause certain things to stain will cause others to fade quickly, it's just going to have to be trial and error for you. That said, I've always preferred Directions to Manic Panic.

Posted : April 23, 2017 12:58 pm
New Member Guest

Thanks Janineb.

Thanks Lauralei- "it's not something I would have taken into consideration had nobody mentioned it though, I think it's a very easy mistake to make!"  Yes, lol, and go figure that I was the one who made it.  Leave it to me.

That was another reason for me to mention it, so hopefully others can learn from my mistakes. (all my stupid, stupid mistakes lol)  Trust me, I never considered it either until I was reading the last article about 30 mins after putting it on my hair.  I bet you I had read 50 articles about the best things to put on your dry, damaged, hair, and every time olive oil came up, but not 1 of those articles said a word about it possibly toning platinum hair green.  LOL like I said before I sure wish I had read that article 1st, instead of last because maybe it wouldn't have sealed in there so well. 

Right now the entire back of my hair is kind of an ugly light-med yellow/green color from the olive oil.  I tired shampooing it multiple times in clarifying shampoo, chelating it with conditioner and lemon juice, washing it a couple of times in dandruff shampoo, yet it's still hanging on.  I'd also tried toning over it with purple shampoo prior to Janineb suggestions to use pink, which I've not tried yet.  My hair is so much darker now then it was so I doubt any toner will do much good at the moment.  I suspect much, much, later I will have to just bleach bath it to get it removed, which I was going to have to try to do to remove the rest of the box dye staining anyway, but that won't be done anytime soon because my hair needs a lot more time to heal 1st.   

I have another question for you gals.  With porous, dry, damaged, hair is it better to thoroughly rinse your hair daily which requires rubbing it, of course, and apply new moisture treatments, or is it better to just lightly spray your hair, apply more products over the ones that are already in there, and then rinse all those out as needed?  I'm trying to not shampoo my hair for at least a week to allow the natural oils to build back up in it, because all the processing followed by all the shampooing to try to eliminate the blue, and then the green,  had it pretty dry, but I'm also trying to figure out which way is the best way to keep it moisturized in the process.  Luckily, I'm not have a lot of shedding right now, and with products on it it looks, and feels really soft and smooth, so hopefully that's a good sign that I'm doing something right. 
Thanks, and Have a wonderful night.   

Posted : April 25, 2017 7:27 am
Noble Member Registered

Don't be hard on yourself, it's a learning curve- we've all made those kinds of mistakes at some point and that's exactly how you end up able to advise other people not to make the same ones! As you say, your info about the olive oil may prove helpful to others, I know that I'll mention it in future if asked for opinions on suitable oils for platinum hair! (I doubt that makes you feel much better about it being stuck in your hair though! )

What products do you use in your hair? I never rinse products out if I'm not washing my hair, I just reapply over the top (I'm assuming we're solely talking about conditioning products? A lot of styling products contain alcohol so they will dry your hair out further and are best avoided if you are resting your hair).

Just to mention, when you talk about allowing your hair time to heal, hair cannot heal itself so the hair that has been damaged will always be damaged until it grows out. You can help improve the texture with conditioning treatments and protein treatments and such but essentially that hair will still be more fragile so be very careful with any further colour processing. Hopefully Janine's idea of a dilute pink in your conditioner will help counteract the green (however it may not tone back to platinum, you may just have to live with a darker shade for a while but it will help tide you over until the green tones fade).

Posted : April 25, 2017 8:00 am
Reputable Member Registered

I only wash my hair once a week, sometimes 2 if I must but I use products on top of products and never have any issues. For example when I do wash my hair I use a mask (made from kitchen products) for an hour or 2 before I shampoo then I deep condition. Then out of the shower I put on coconut oil or leave in conditioner and I just re apply that as needed ( my ends tend to be on the dryer side) as for my roots I use "not your mothers dry shampoo" whenever im looking oily, usually day 3-4 and then reapply when needed. I also use hairspray and texturizing paste throughout the week if I curl my hair or braid it, and I find that I can just brush out any built up product and re apply whatever I need without too much build up, usually around day 6-7 my hair goes up in a pony tail or pulled back because it starts to look a little dirty and then the cycle starts all over again, lol.

Posted : April 25, 2017 4:41 pm
Famed Member Registered

Yes, sorry, my mention of the pink to tone is just to make it liveable with until it fades.

Posted : April 25, 2017 5:12 pm
New Member Guest

Thank you ladies for the info.  I've just not tried the pink toner yet, but do plan too soon to see if it will help. 

Here's my routine at the moment-On deep conditioning days-I wet my hair and apply a deep conditioner as needed, then shampoo my hair with no sulfate shampoo, and then condition it again either with a no sulfate conditioner, or a repair conditioner, depending on how it's looking, and rinse that out.  Once I towel dry my hair, I put leave in conditioner on it, lightly spray it down with Argon oil 12 in 1 daily treatment, and then work a small amount of coconut oil through it, especially the ends.    I was at 1st rinsing all the old stuff out daily before applying the new stuff, afraid it would cause an issue, and that got to be a royal pain.

When I'm stacking the products, I do try to stay with the same brand of products each time, but have switched brands a couple of different times because I didn't like the ones I had in it.  When I do that though, I shampoo out the other brands from my hair, deep condition, and rinse my hair before trying out the new stuff. 

Generally,  I don't use heat on my hair, or styling tools very often because my hair is naturally curly, so a little water misting, some oil or gel, and I'm usually good to go.  My hair generally is worn in a ponytail most of the time because it is so long, and thick that it makes me too hot to leave it down.  I've not used any gel, or hairspray since going platinum though because the ones I have do have alcohol in them, so I'm trying to monitor the ingredients and chose the more natural things with little to no alcohol, etc., in them that I hope will work better for my hair.  But right now, I'm still trying to figure out what ingredients are what, what products to use, and what not to use, and generally my hair lets me know very quickly when I've made a mistake.  I've actually bought so many different products that I should actually have another cabinet built just to store them. 

I did make a mistake and accidently bought the Refined coconut oil instead of the virgin oil, even though it's naturally refined I've not been using it afraid my hair won't like it-Do you all think it will be ok to use it on my hair with it being naturally refined, or should I just purchase the virgin oil? 

Do you all mist your hair with water daily before applying the products over the products, or do you put them on when your hair is dry?  Thanks for the info, it is appreciated. 

Posted : April 25, 2017 11:05 pm
Reputable Member Registered

I always put mine in dry, when you are wetting your hair your actually losing some of the natural oils that your body naturally produces, and no matter how much you spend on special oils for your hair, natural body oils are always going to be better because your body literally manufactures them dependent on what your body needs.

It sounds to me that your hair has gotten too used to being given moisture from products instead of producing it yourself,  because the amount of products you use does seem quite extensive. I use to be the same way with my skin care regimen, I used 5 different things daily and now I've realized that less is more. Most days I just rinse my face and that's it, and the same with my hair, the less I try to do with it, and the fewer products I use the better my hair behaves. This is just my general opinion and it might not work for everyone, but it might be worth a shot since your hair seems to be very high maintenance at this point.

Posted : April 26, 2017 3:48 pm
New Member Guest

Thanks for the info Emmer,
I didn't have the extensive routine prior to bleaching, and processing.  I only started putting all that stuff in my hair to try to help it not feel as dry etc.  You very well could be right about having too much of a good thing so I will start using less and see if my hair does better.  I will start doing a weekly deep conditioner, and just using a small amount of moisture leave-in conditioner, and a small amount of oil to seal it in. 

I actually think for awhile I'm going to only condition my hair when it's time to wash it, and not use shampoo on it at all for awhile too.  Does that sound like a better routine? 

Posted : April 26, 2017 4:59 pm
Famed Member Registered

As you have curly hair, have you tried something like diva curl no-poo cleansers? I'm a resent convert to using them every other time I wash.

I think this whole curly girl thing (if you're following that) is a little too eager on this layering products... I can't help but feel a lot of it is due to many of the people showing it are the same ones selling the products! I started to get a bit caught up in it, but I'm now back to just a shampoo/no-poo/conditioner to wash hair depending on dirt levels or how annoyingly soft it is making it hard to style, a condititioner (I've stopped using leave in) occasionally a bit of oil and a curl cream (currently the diva curl coconut one) and things have been a lot better again.

Also, natural is a bit of a marketing buzz word. Avoid too much silicones and mineral oils and you should be ok.

Oh, and I don't use products daily, you shouldn't need to really. At most every other day. If I ever do need more, which isn't often, I will spritz it a little bit.

Use the coconut oil for cooking and get some unrefined stuff. I have no idea what 'naturally refined' even means, but refined is refined really. It's not going to be as good, if not useless.

Posted : April 26, 2017 5:26 pm
New Member Guest

Thanks for the info Janineb.  No I've not tried any of the no poo cleansers as of yet, but I'll check into them.

I currently have a co-wash cleanser conditioner (with no protein) ordered from Amazon that I'm waiting for it to come in.  It has good reviews so I'm hoping it will work well for me too. 

I went through All my many products the other day, and determined that only very few of them do Not have protein (in some form or another) in them, (lol this was done with a list of proteins, and a list of humectants, and looking up every ingredient in them to see what was what).  Being so new to this platinum blonde stuff, and actually doing much to my hair at all, if a product was suggested or had good reviews I'd get it, never considering at that time if it did or didn't have protein, or other things my hair didn't need in it. I was really surprised at how many that were listed as Moisturizers actually contained high amounts of protein as well.  So having protein in some of them may have been a huge contributing factor to my continued dryness problem vs merely moisturizing my hair-(which is what you all told me to do to start with and I suspect you meant with moisturizing products only, not those with both moisture and protein combined).  Is that correct?   

So, I went and reinvested in a few moisturizing products that do Not contain any form of protein, silicone, mineral oil, or alcohol, and so far they seem to be helping to eliminate some of the dryness. I plan to only do a deep conditioning treatment with a product containing protein on my weekly wash day, and see if that helps balance out the protein, and moisture, and hopefully in time eliminate the dryness. LOL see there how much you gals have taught me :).  I had a good protein treatment prior to processing, and also the accidental use of products with protein in them, so I don't think a lack of protein now should be of any concern.  (I do know that processing can deplete your hair of protein, but for now I'm trying to hit it with moisture, and only occasionally hit it with protein.  What do you think about it, does this sound like a good solution?  Do you think I'm on the right track?  Thank you and have a wonderful day.         

Posted : April 30, 2017 9:17 pm
Famed Member Registered

Too much protein is a problem. I have to be super careful with protein, I've even had a head full of breakage because it's made my hair so brittle in the past! I now avoid it, other than a rare protein treatment after bleaching. For some people they can't get enough and every little helps, for others of us it's very much something that can be easily over done. Maybe your curly hair is more like mine and doesn't like it much?

Posted : May 1, 2017 2:35 am
New Member Guest

Yes Janineb, I think that could very well be possible with my hair, as well. 

Although my diet isn't very good because I eat very little (I've always been a very limited eater), and during that eating I consume little protein in the foods.(rarely do I ever eat fish, chicken etc. when I eat it is mostly vegetables).  I do, however, drink a lot of milk daily which has a pretty good protein percentage in it, so I may very well be getting enough protein in my diet, and very little protein may be needed to be used on my hair at all? (I'm still trying to figure out how to adequately keep the protein/moisture balance, and try to determine what my hair does and doesn't like in the process, which lol is apparently going to take some time to figure it out). 

My hair today actually looks better than it has since the processing, it appears to be less dry today/more hydrated, (I put some of the non protein items in it last night, and left them all night, and most of today, and then just rinsed them out this afternoon).  I only have about a dime size amount of leave in conditioner in it, and about a dime or quarter size amount of coconut oil in it right now, it feels a little dry still, but nothing like it was feeling, so hopefully that's a good sign.  It is, however, still having quite a bit of shedding. 
I know several had said not to wet my hair daily, but it seems with my curl that if I don't at least moisten it a little with the squirt bottle it looks more frizzy, and is harder to manage.  Prior to processing I used water from the mist bottle daily, then put a little detangle, and a little hair gel on it, scrunched up my curls, and was on my way.  How damaging is wetting my hair a little everyday?  Is it something I should try to avoid doing?  Thanks for the info it is very helpful.  Have a wonderful Night.   

Posted : May 1, 2017 3:38 am
Famed Member Registered

Protein that you eat doesn't really make a difference in your hair. It's more about a healthy diet with vitamins and minerals  πŸ™‚ Besides, once it's formed and left your scalp, it's dead and nothing you eat makes a difference to it.

Curly hair does have a lot of shedding, but it's not really shedding. You lose less while it's 'tangled up' in curls, then when you wash it all the strands that have come loose come out and it looks like more than it should. If it's short bits, then it could be breakage and that's different. If it's been caused by too much protein it will take a while to come back to normal. You can't expect it to change immediately.

You can wet curly hair daily. It wasn't really several though was it... only one person said that I thought? But it's really best to avoid it every day. Do you 'pineapple' it at night? That makes a massive difference for most people when it comes to frizz. As I said, you eventually shouldn't need to wet it everyday. When I wet min, it's literally a very light misting so it's slightly damp. That's enough to reactivate the curl cream I use. Any stubborn curls I have, flat or frizzy or just curling all wrong, I will wind it around my finger and then put a clip on it (look up pin curls because that's what I basically do) then leave it for a few mins. When you take it off your curl will normally look good again.

Posted : May 1, 2017 8:53 pm
New Member Guest

Thanks Janineb,

I've actually had several people tell me that wetting my hair daily wasn't the best for it, especially since the processing.  Possibly only 1 here, I don't really know for sure. As far as the protein in foods, I actually thought that what we ate played a role in the amount of protein our hair had in it, but what you said makes a lot more sense. 

I have some biotin here that I recently bought that I probably need to start taking to see if that will help or not.  My hubby and I both are disabled, and my hubby's very ill right now.  They are suspecting lung cancer, so we've been spending a lot of time at appointments, tests, etc.  he was actually scheduled to have his lower lobe of his lung removed this Wed, and he cancelled the surgery saying he prefers to wait a while, so I've kind of put unnecessary things on hold, trying to help care for him.

My main goal at the moment is to just try to keep my hair attached to my scalp, in the easiest, and quickest way possible lol.  The shedding isn't short bits, it is long hairs, but no root bulb is attached that I've noticed. My hair sheds all the time when being washed or not.  But like I mentioned before, I also have thyroid disease, and would shed like a dog anyway, before any of this extensive processing, so I'm not sure why it makes me more nervous since the processing. (I guess it's because I know it is very dry, and there is  damage up there, and there is probably more of a chance of it breaking off than before).  I do have one area in the front center that I noticed has broken off in the past couple of days, and it kind of looks like a short curly sprout dangling down from the center of my forehead. LOL Perhaps I'll try to braid it up, and try to start a new hair trend with that one little lonely curly sprout.   

I don't 'pineapple' my hair at night, I only pull it around to the side of my shoulder that I'm not sleeping on, but perhaps I need to try to see if that helps.  My curls tend to drop out to waves, unless I wet or dampen it somehow.    I had to laugh about the pin curls because my mom use to pin curl all my hair as a child, and force me to sleep with the pin curls and bobby pins in my hair all night.  LOL Those were the golden days of spit curls, and dippy do.  Thanks again for all your help.  I appreciate it.  Have a wonderful night.       

Posted : May 1, 2017 11:26 pm
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