I was previously a dyed red head not a bright red but a deeper red, I then dyed over my washed out red color with loreal hair color from sallys I think it was age beautiful Its a brand I prefer that went good I got to brown Now I'm trying to go blonde not really bleach blonde but a natural blonde and I am stuck!! I have done I believe three soap caps, and just today I used a box bleach from the dollar general with a high lift ( I know I hate buying anything but from sallys but i'm desperate) so I did that today and still stuck with orange ! It did lift a lot of my left over red/orange tint shockingly but still I have orange hair does anyone have any ideas on what I can do ???
You need to try a colour remover. What country are you in? The USA?
Also possibly accept you can't get blonde. Red dyes, even dark ones, are as bad as black for staining. Often worse in fact. You might not be able to remove enough to get to anything paler than a light brown.
Agreed, Try a colour remover, but after red box dyes I was only ever able to get to a light peach (colour removers/bleach baths ) and my hair usually lifts very easily and has no natural red or orange tones. Sometimes the staining is just too much.
I use to use a box dye in deep auburn for a long time and it was really hard to remove, definitely try the color remover, they really do work wonders ( color fix is the brand if your in the US) and then see what your left with. I would also suggest using a better quality bleach, it makes all the difference and you don't need to do multiple applications. The stuff from sallys isn't all that great ( I should know, that's what I used when I started going blonde) I personally like ugly duckling bleach powder or blondme bleach powder, they seen to do the trick and I get them off amazon cause they are hard to find sometimes where I live.
Yes I live in Florida but yeah I'm thinking I might just stay with this for now then try the color remover in a couple weeks give my hair time to breathe. Yeah I normally use the one and only brand for bye and quick blue for bleach but I also was using loreal age beautiful developer idk if that had something to do with it but I might get a different developer since that one is all gone
also is color fix from the one n only brand?
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Colour remover doesn't damage, it'll just dry out your hair a bit. All you need is a good deep conditioner to sort it out.
Quick blue is terrible. It's one of the worst I've ever used. Get BlondeMe, it's so, so much better. Developer doesn't really matter, that can be anything as long as it's the lowest volume you can find that gets the result you want. With Quick Blue I had to use 40 vol and pray it didn't burn my scalp. Now I can get the same affect in the same time with BlondeMe (and other good brands like Blondor) with 20vol. A good bleach powder makes all the difference.
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yes I agree, Loreal quik blue bleach powder is no good. I also use to use it and it was super damaging! Spring for a better bleach powder and then like Janine said developer is developer, pretty much any brand will due!
As for the color remover, color fix is really the only safe one in the states, the color oops one is TERRIBLE!!! It will dry your hair to a crisp and then it'll take you months to get it back to somewhat normal, please never use color oops! Color fix is great (smells like rotten eggs, but they all do) and you can make your own hair mask to re hydrate your hair or just bye a deep conditioner, sallys actually has a decent one I think its called macadamia deep conditioning treatment? Don't quote me on that though. The color remover wont damage your hair, it just dehydrates the hair so after a deep conditioning treatment, it should go right back to how it was before.