Tonight is the night!
I've purchased bleach powder and 20vol developer. My hairdresser is a bit scared she'll wreck my hair but I'll show her this forum and explain what majicontrast was doing. I need to get over my fear of bleach! My biggest fear (apart from my hair breaking and falling out, which won't happen if we stick to the time limits obviously, but I'm still SCARED! Haha) is an uneven of colour through my hair, but here's hoping that doesn't even happen! π
One last question, if we do the roots tonight, should I then try to fade out the rest of my red as best as possible (do a dishwashing liquid scrub or baking soda or something, to give the most even base or just chuck the red on? My majicontrast faded horribly during the summer and all the swimming I did (I had some wicked pastel pink patches going on for awhile!) so it's Directions Pillar Box Red on top anyway (which is the colour I'm using until I SFX comes back in stock!)
I'm sorry for all the stupid questions, this is all very new to me!
I think you'll be fine, I don't think you'll need to fade your current color at all. If for some reason the color does look lighter on your roots, you could always do a 2nd application on them, but I really think you'll be fine.
Hi, didnt want to read and run so thought i would just share a quick tip with you all, for dry frazzled hair due to bleaching, and it really does work, put coconut oil on your hair and leave as long as possible and wash out, i swear by this, i use it all over my body, face and hair, its amazing baught a big tub from ebay sometime i even eat it lol, but you can, it has many benefits, and the tub will last you a long time., just a bit of friendly advice.
Success! All that worry for nothing. My roots are definitely lighter than the rest of my hair but it's not that noticeable right now, it might get more noticeable down the track but I'll jump that hurdle when I get to it. I'm now far less terrified of bleach. Haha!
Thank you al1ce! I do keep a tub of coconut oil in my bathroom for various purposes (fantastic eye makeup remover!!) but I haven't put it in my hair for ages (I use it in my hair when I'm going to the beach, soak my hair in oil and then the cold water solidifies it and in theory it protects my hair from the salt water and colour loss!
I think I'll be babying my hair for a long time. It's not falling out in clumps or anything extreme like that, but I have a LOT of split ends and breakage, but since I stopped blowdrying and straightening the condition feels improved massively too!