Hi there, I do apologise if this has been asked before but I had a quick search and couldn't find anything!
I have been using L'Oreal Majicontrast in Magenta Red for the past year, doing a root touch up and then full head of colour using 20vol developer to top up the red, and only now am I starting to notice how fried and frazzled my hair is, I know it's a lifting colour and shouldn't be used on a full head every time but I loved the colour too much to take much notice! Plus my hair is very thick, so even with frazzled ends there was always plenty of hair there!
I've stopped using my hair straightener and dryer, only wash it once a week and using intensive conditioning treatments, and had my dead ends chopped off so it's starting to feel much better but obviously I need to make a change to the way I get my hair red so this doesn't keep happening, I want LONG LONG hair, and I feel like it's been just below my shoulders for years now!
I've been swimming a lot recently and in spots my hair has faded to very pale marshmallow pink, so I figure under all the red it's pretty light.
I think I want to start bleaching my roots and using semi's. My hair is naturally quite light so it bleaches very easily and I think if I just do roots every time this will be far less damaging in the long run? My main concern is how to get the colour even so I don't have a lighter strip after I throw a semi over it? Has anybody attempted this or similar without lightening the whole head?
Also what is the best (in your opinion), brightest and longest lasting pink red to use? I've been looking at Special Effects Cherry Bomb and Devilish to try to maintain my magenta/red shade and am patiently waiting for them to come into stock so I can test!
Thank you for any thoughts and opinions in advance!
I've attached a pic (sorry about the shameless selfie, it was the best representation of the colour I could find!) for colour reference. I don't like orange reds on me! π
Usially if the roots come out lighter, if you reapply the color to them it all evens out. Same goes for any lighter spots through the lengths. It may be patchy in areas atm because of running the permanent over your lengths to refresh it instead of using a semi. I think your safest route would just be to put the semi on + if its patchy at all just reapply it focusing on those areas.
You could do a color remover also if you want to start off using semis with a more even base in case you want to change it later, you wont be as limited. Keep in mind you may have staining though from using the permanent to refresh. Usually if it is stained though its just towards the bottom so you may have a little bit of an ombre going on
I would just do a bleach bath on your roots as they come in, you'll probably be using a lower vol than with the majicontrast. Then I would just go over it with the semi!
If you still love the majicontrast colour, you can use that as your 'bleach' - just dye your roots only with the majicontrast, then go over your whole head with a matching semi to refresh the colour on your lengths. Your base will probably be much more even between roots and lengths, you still get to keep the colour you love, and it's much less damage.
I would do what Mindi has suggested, and use Directions Pillarbox or Poppy red on your lengths until SFX is available again.
Ooooh its no wonder your having problems with your hair hun -you are technically bleaching it everytime you put that on a full head application. I know someone whos done this, and I warned her - and her hair was in such a bad way. The more she done it, the less the red remained to the point it wouldnt even hold onto colour anymore.
I'd scrap the majicontrast alltogether. Its made to be a one time thing on virgin hair - you cant "top it up" with the same product, it spells disaster.
I would fade as best as you can, (in order to keep the red even) and then start using 20vol bleach on the roots alone and using a semi of your choice.
If you use the majicontrast as you would a bleach on the roots only, they you are using it for it's intended use - to lift and colour virgin hair. Majicontrast is no more or less damaging than bleaching or bleach bathing with the same vol peroxide, the damage from majicontrast is when it's used over the lengths which have already been processed. I would still recommend that the best way to keep your colour even is to continue to use the majicontrast on the roots only, so that your base colour on the lengths and roots is even, and then top up the entire head with a semi of your choice. It's out of stock at the moment, but SFX Cherry Bomb is probably a pretty good starting point, or maybe Devilish if the Cherry Bomb comes out a little bit too bright.
Thanks everybody!
I did think about using Majicontrast on roots only but because I import it from the UK it's not the cheapest for me to do, so I thought bleach might also be more economical. But the even colouring might be worth it, I don't think my boss would appreciate me coming in with a patchy mess of hair. I guess I'll just have to have a play and see how it all turns out, and just leave my poor lengths alone.
If you want to swap to bleach it will certainly work out cheaper. Red dyes are generally very forgiving and cover really well, so you shouldn't get a patchy result.
Either maji or bleach will work on your roots, and you shouldn't have a demarcation line if you switch; at least, not initially. Reds do tend to cover patchiness and uneven bases really well. If you let it fade right down, though, you might see the difference between the maji base and the bleach base. If you don't mind colouring every month, then it shouldn't really be a problem, especially once SFX gets back in stock. If you're lazy like I sometimes am and let it go six to eight weeks, then it'd be a bit more noticeable.
Regarding the shade you use, I totally agree with Mindi that Cherry Bomb or Devilish should match your current hair very well.
Hi Kimba and everyone else (haven't been on the forum since forever) I had been using Majicontrast for around 2-3 years on my whole head as i was afraid to use bleach. I'd like to let you know that I had really big lovely thick hair and it started to shed really bad. Now my ponytail is around half as thick as it used to be and since I did every blood test and exam there is and since my diet is quite healthy I have to attribute my hair loss to the majicontrast. I don't have any bald spots, thank god but my hair is significally thinner. Keep in mind I was only using it once every 1 and a half months, sometimes every 2 months so i was using it pretty rare.
I don't mean to scare you, just letting you know from my own experience, there is probably a reason they write on their instructions that is not meant for the whole head.
Plus this thing is so strong that even if you bleach bath your hair at a section that you used majicontrast, it just gets really destroyed. I am never using it again.
Personally I am now letting my hair without dyes for a long time (it's around 3 months and i plan to let it for a year if possible) and I am using castor oil on the roots to help stimulate my roots and hopefully my hair will grow back and then if I still want to get a bright color I will bleach my hair.
I hope that was somewhat helpful.
Thank you everybody for your inputs!
I will not be using it on my full head again, it's just a toss up on what to use on my roots from now on.
Thankfully damaged to hell or not, my hair is very thick! I'm just glad I'm taking action on the damage now rather than when it's too late!
I'd suggest you stay away from it in general. What I said didn't come out clear (my darn english) I meant i was using it on my whole head is in the whole head for the roots..... I was using a semi perm for the rest of the hair. My hair loss is not due to breakage from the damage but it's from the roots. So i'd suggest you start trying the bleach. π
I started off the same as you, but i only used the majicontrast once then just bleached my roots before putting a semi over the whole head. I really recommend Adore Ruby Red. I put coconut oil on my roots before i bleach them and it helps to protect my hair from too much damage. xx
I'd just like to point out that there are also quite a few members on here who have used majicontrast for root dyeing with no issues whatsoever. Myself and CupcakeDevil are two of these. Bleach is also damaging, so please don't think that using bleach is a safer option. There are many horror stories in our 'Bleaching horror stories' thread which prove that using bleach or even bleach baths can be just as bad for your hair as the damage that The_Sunny_Girl is describing. Coconut oil can be used to protect the hair for any peroxide based dye or bleach, so you can also use the coconut oil as a pre-treatment for using majicontrast on your roots. I don't want to sway your choice one way or the other, it's your choice to make, based on many factors, I just don't want to you be scared off using majicontrast if this is what you want to do. The safest option either way is to make sure that you use the lowest vol peroxide possible to achieve the results you want and don't leave any product on your hair longer than the recommended processing time. Have a read through this thread: http://www.hairdyeforum.com/index.php?topic=6447.0 which demonstrates that bleach is equally as damaging to your hair
I think a big issue with maji is when people who dont understand, use it full head and for topping up the colour. The overprocessing on the lengths and ends is where it all starts to go wrong for most. The red fades quicker, so they use it more frquently until you are at the point of almost no return. People keep recommending it to each other "ooh that stuff from sallys you dont need bleach" (not on here I mean in general and youtube) and dont read the instructions. All thats needed is a nice semi in between root retouches, imo. Salons are normally dire for overprocessing but majicontrast was something the owner banned us all from using in any other way apart from what was advised by L'Oreal. Back then I didn't understand why. i do now!